Since I turned 70 earlier in the year, I’ve had to accept I’m way, way past midlife. But some say that 70 is the new 40 (or is it 50?), and my own midsummer night’s dream is one of looking and feeling young(er) for lots of years. So I’ve started walking again–at least two miles […]
when you’re worried about your appearance
I’m pretty sure my wedding dress is still in there–though I can’t be totally sure since I haven’t opened that box since the cleaners sealed it in 1971. They buried my husband’s grandmother in hers. If I passed on today, there’s not a chance they’d be able to squeeze me into mine. Not. A. […]
For When Your Creativity Wanes
He tells us beside the Frio‘s flow, in his talk on The Care and Feeding of Creativity. That when work stalls and words stop, move. Because it’s in the moving that we breathe. It’s in the breathing that we keep breathing. Won’t you head on over to for the rest?
31 Days on Coming to Grips with My Age ~ Day 2: A Magic Bullet
Sometimes I prefer carpet to chair. I can still criss-cross-applesauce. I’m a dashboard foot-propper gal. I can bend over, touch fingertips to floor. But my knees complain on a climb. I move slower. Clutter and chaos confuse me. I tire faster. I fear falling. My bones are soft. “I don’t want to be like my mom,” I […]