Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. Have you read it? If so, did you read it as a child or as an adult? In the foreword of the 60th anniversary edition, author Kate DiCamillo confesses she didn’t read it until she was 31 years old. The cover of the book scared her. But then “I was […]
Still Saturday: Glimpses of Glory
One of the great gifts of God is the wonder and diversity of the world that is around us. From the book in your hands to the sky above you, the physical world invites amazement. In Romans 1 Paul says that we are without excuse precisely because of the glory that shines forth from everything […]
a world of wonder, and a fragrance of redemption
The air breathes cool through the open window, wafts past the “clean cotton” Yankee Candle votive that releases just a hint of fragrance. The shrub sways in time with the bell rope, and a hummingbird buzzes at the feeder, hovers in place, sips and savors. A wasp with legs dangling wants in the garage […]
still saturday: when the soul needs a sabbath
“May your soul be refreshed with an unexpected Sabbath, a necessary pause, a rest, a replenishing of hidden stores. May death and age be driven back another day, worry and the overload of care be banished from your little kingdom. May liberal Joy give you permission to play again, to dream, to slow the times, […]
still saturday: finding wonder
Young children have no sense of wonder. They bewilder well, but few things surprise them. All of it is new to young children, after all, and equally gratuitous. Their parents pause at the unnecessary beauty of an ice storm coating the trees; the children look for something to throw. The children who tape colorful fall […]
time to stand and stare
It’s the morning after the morning we remembered the mourning and celebrated the Morning. D has risen early again, because it’s Monday and time to move into a new week of busyness as usual. I want to burrow down under white down, but there’s a light that shines in the dark, and I hear him […]
scripture sunday: wonder
Blessed are you who give yourselves over to God, turn your backs on the world’s “sure thing,” ignore what the world worships; The world’s a huge stockpile of God-wonders and God-thoughts. Nothing and no one comes close to you! I start talking about you, telling what I know, and quickly run out of words. Neither numbers nor words […]
i can see clearly now
Grace burrows into the hood of her orange sweatshirt and curls into pink plush on the couch. She complains of a sore throat, but she has no fever. Of course, it’s only 49 degrees in the house. “I can’t feel my fingers,” she moans. “Do you want some gloves?” “No. Then I can’t feel […]
still saturday: expect wonder
“God is not merely at your fingertips but within your grasp. Live each day like a child digging through a treasure chest, rifling for the next discovery. Open your arms and your eyes to the God who stands in plain sight and works miracles in your midst. Look for him in your workdays and […]