Your Days Are Waiting There’s certainty made in the calm of a river–a way steady like the leaves that paper-boat the surface of water. Even a clamor of hooves throbbing in purple morning light narrows us–a waking in every wilderness. But even these things fall asleep inside the mind and slip away by night. […]
Still Saturday: Waiting
Waiting on God requires the willingness to bear uncertainty, to carry within oneself the unanswered question, lifting the heart to God about it whenever it intrudes upon one’s thoughts. ~ Elisabeth Elliot Short and simple words posted on Facebook by my dear friend, Tami Heim, this week, and I haven’t been able to get them […]
a time of waiting
“It is often during a time of waiting, of seemingly just treading water, that God is silently, imperceptibly at work, molding and forging us as His instruments. One British candidate for the ministry became frustrated and impatient that it was taking so long for her to go through the preparation to be released for missions […]
in the waiting room of unanswered prayer
The hurt’s so heavy, but the waiting room’s so full. There’s not a chair in sight. So many needs. And so you slide down the wall to the floor, and hug your chin to your knees, and the nurse calls another, and someone else takes their seat. It happens over and over, and you […]
when the bluebirds go awol
We hang the bluebird feeder from the geranium hook on the porch. Fill it with yummies–crumbled suet, freeze-dried-berry-flavored mealworms (I actually scoop them with my bare hand), a few softened raisins, and a handful of blueberries. I don’t know if they like blueberries–but they’re berries, and they’re blue, so surely they’d make a bluebird happy. […]
Scripture Sunday: When All Seems Lost
Still Saturday: Who’s Waiting?
So many times I whine that I’m “waiting on God,” but the truth is He is the one waiting on me. In our confession, surrender, and stillness God works a miracle: He turns our “waiting” into praise. What joy it must bring the Father when His children begin to understand that kind of love. Can […]
Still Saturday: No Hurry
“There is a particular weariness that rises in this space of waiting. But I don’t think it’s the waiting itself that is wearying me – I think it’s my resistance to the wait. I’m like a dog straining at the end of a lead, wearing the pads of my feet raw on the sidewalk as […]
Reflections from a Waiting Room
Her name tag reads “Colleen.” She wears blue scrubs, and the embroidered patch on her shirt reads “Eye Surgery…Something.” She sits still, bent to the side a tad with right elbow leaning on the chair arm, palm on cheek. She’s crossed right knee over left and wears the tiniest white work shoes, maybe even […]
Sunday Seasoned Sayings: Wait for Hope
When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence. Bow in prayer. Don’t ask questions: Wait for hope to appear. Don’t run from trouble. Take it full-face. The “worst” is never the worst. ~Lamentations 3:28-30 (Message) Linking with my friend, Deidra, and community for some simple Sunday inspiration. […]