“Look, there’s a dragonfly.” He points into the water. We’ve been hiking deep along less traveled paths. We’ve climbed up and over even as the rain drips off hoods and jeans turn dark and cling to legs. I’ve thought about Lynnette’s words as she held the bear skull up. “Eyes in front, likes to hunt. […]
Still Saturday: Coming Apart
Coming apart for a couple of days so we don’t come apart. Seeking a bit of peace so we don’t fall to pieces. Because sometimes we have to hide to find. Spending a handful of days to reap a heartful of Him. Praying you find a few quiet moments today to hear His heart whispers, […]
Saturday Snaps: A Peek at a Piping Plover
We’ve just come back from the Au Sable Light Station near Grand Marais, and the grandgirl and I are hiked out. She just wants to crash in the cabin with her Littlest Pet Shop critters and her case of plastic fish. I just want to make some coffee, put up my feet, and eye my slice […]
God Moments with G-Ma and Grace: Sugarloaf Mountain
We stay on the island as long as possible and then cross the Mighty Mac to the upper peninsula. Grace has waited for this all day. We travel west along Lake Superior and soak in the wonder of sky and water. Later He wraps us in pink and lavender and gold. The next day we decide […]