Monday, October 31 They countered. We accepted. To close two weeks before Christmas. Or sooner. Maybe. Who thought on Day 1 of this series that we’d have a contract on Day 31? Now we’re having second thoughts. But I’m remembering yesterday’s tears… and that anyway it’s not the place where we ultimately end up but […]
31 Days of Moving Reflections – Day 25 #SouthFloridaBound
Tuesday, October 25 The Broken Way released today. The family returned to Michigan, and we are scattered again. The effort to break the Curse of the Billy Goat began, and I shattered a glass on the tile.
When You’re Crushed and Broken – #TheBrokenWay
“The miracle happens in the breaking.” ~ Ann Voskamp in The Broken Way: a daring path into the abundant life It’s just the two of us for dinner. I scrounge up some chicken, left over from the chicken-with-cherry-sauce recipe from A Taste of Laity Lodge. Only for her, I serve it plain with bottled […]