I live in Michigan. I originated “down state,” but I grew up “up north.” I don’t think anybody knows for sure where “up north” starts, but where I live now is considered “down state,” but it’s not as far down the mitten as where I started. Up north starts for me where the trees […]
T.S. Eliot: Poet to Work Day 2014
Last year I cajoled Emily Dickinson out of the house for Take Your Poet to Work Day. I forgot failed to tell her I wasn’t really going to work that day but that we were going on vacation, and she was going to meet a lot of new people and have a boatload […]
40 Words of Lent 2014: Day 39 (Still Saturday)
“Where shall the word be found, where will the word Resound? Not here, there is not enough silence . . . Teach us to care and not to care Teach us to sit still . . .” (T.S. Eliot in “Ash Wednesday“) so that our words may be “grounded in silence.” (Richard Foster) Word Count: […]
poetry dare: tangled up in t.s. eliot
His lines crawl across my cortex when I sit and when I walk and when I lie down and when I rise up. While I wash dishes, he whispers words like maisonette and miasmal mist and fugitive resentment and glazen shelves and green silence. I can’t shake the images of brown waves of fog and daffodil bulbs staring up from eye sockets and a […]
a poetry dare with t.s. eliot
Remember that poetry dare issued by Tweetspeak Poetry I mentioned earlier this month? Well, it’s begun . . “We’d like you to read not just a poem a day but a poem from one particular poet a day. (That is, the same poet every day.) And that poet, for reasons we have yet to discover, […]
five minute friday: up in smoke
Some days it’s a fight to find a pen with ink that flows words fluid in just five minutes. I prefer the gel — black, though back in the day it was a fountain pen with cartridge — blue, that scratched battles across three-holed, loose leafs lined and ringed right tight in burgundy leather — fake, […]