Sometimes, when the light is right and if I’m still enough, I see the glitter of tinsel dust floating over melted memories of magic and mystery in the waiting, the anticipation of gifts delivered in the night. I long for simpler times when I delighted in an unseen omnipotent giver and all I had to do was be good. But sometimes, if I’m […]
Still Saturday: Breathe
“Do you want to live in peace and hope? It can be simple. “All you have to do to live is insist on staying awake. Don’t flinch or fade; don’t forget or fake it. Just be. Accept who you’ve been made to be and let everything you do come from the impulses of seeking […]
small and scared
Wesley’s been walking wounded. We’ve pawed over his left front paw and leg and just can’t figure out why he’s limping for the last week and a half. So today I drag him through the door of the examining room, and while we wait he lifts his feet to my lap and shakes so hard […]
found: a poem for Megan’s birthday
Sometimes when you’re sandwiched between crises and you’re going through it without your mother, you just need to come out and play a little polo, find your balance with some red clover. Maybe slip your laptop into the red case and head to some sweet spot that sells veggies with a little turkey. Because that’s […]
still saturday: key moments
“Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom and pain of it no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the hidden and holy heart of it because in the last analysis all moments are key moments and life itself is […]
still saturday: cease striving
Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. ~Psalm 46:10 (NASB) “The command “cease striving” comes from the Hebrew imperative verb meaning “sink down, let drop, relax.” Most people quote this verse in a soothing, reassuring tone, like a serene invitation […]
still saturday: when the soul needs a sabbath
“May your soul be refreshed with an unexpected Sabbath, a necessary pause, a rest, a replenishing of hidden stores. May death and age be driven back another day, worry and the overload of care be banished from your little kingdom. May liberal Joy give you permission to play again, to dream, to slow the times, […]
when you’re locked and blocked and your memory fails
I’m backed into a grove of trees next to the softball field fence. I usually just hang out here while Grace practices for two hours. I read and write, doze a little, cheer a little, maybe listen to a Tiger’s game. It’s hot today, but I’ve rolled the windows down and a cool breeze […]
five minute friday: listen
I’m coming upstairs this morning from the laundry room when I hear a wee voice. “These are my pets.” I didn’t hear them come in. But Abby’s in the kitchen with Lillee. She’s wearing a Hello Kitty shorts outfit with a purple shrug, sweet new shoes (“they’re flip-flops!”) and some orange sunglasses. “Nama!” Arms wide […]
still saturday: still or stationary?
The stationary pilgrim always turns his head around to see what was or what could have been. He loses focus on the potential and possibility of now. So he stays in the position of inaction because he can’t imagine another way. Stationary is frail-boned, a faint pulse. The still pilgrim is engaged in a fully-realized […]