There is No Hurry I pour tomatoes and chop sweet onion, snip parsley frills and crush some basil, dash salt, sprinkle sugar. Stir. I race against the clock. Hurry. A tasty sauce takes time to simmer, but hungry stomachs will arrive at six. I rattle glasses, bang the stainless, wash and wipe. Outside a silver needle […]
Still Saturday: Breathe
“Do you want to live in peace and hope? It can be simple. “All you have to do to live is insist on staying awake. Don’t flinch or fade; don’t forget or fake it. Just be. Accept who you’ve been made to be and let everything you do come from the impulses of seeking […]
still saturday: slow down enough to notice
“I think Brother Lawrence was a man other men usually miss, typically dismiss. Which is too bad. His quietness was thoughtfulness. And in his quietness, Brother Lawrence discovered one of life’s deep secrets, and he was happy to tell others about it for the asking: God is everywhere. God hovers in the air just behind you. […]
still saturday: what’s the hurry?
We need to slow down the frenzied pace. Stop spinning in circles. Quit rushing. And ask ourselves, “What’s the hurry?” ~Ann Kroeker in Not So Fast, p. 44 Am I living a full life, or have I simply filled up my life? Is all our busyness at this breakneck speed actually getting […]
still saturday: slow down
On His way to heal Jairus’ daughter, Jesus slowed down to notice the woman who touched the fringe of His robe, the woman with the issue of blood. (Mark 5:22-43) Jesus dallied when He received word of Lazarus’ illness. And his friend had died by the time He arrived. (John 11:1-45) In both stories, […]
Still Saturday: Take Off Your Shoes
Earth’s crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God. But only he who sees takes off his shoes. ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning