There Is No Hurry
There is No Hurry I pour tomatoes and chop sweet onion, snip parsley frills and crush some basil, dash salt, sprinkle sugar. Stir. I race against the clock. Hurry. A tasty sauce takes time to simmer, but hungry stomachs will arrive at six. I rattle glasses, bang the stainless, wash and wipe. Outside a silver needle […]
One Word Less For Lent 2015 – 31 (Still Saturday)
But the artificial obvious is hard to see. My eyes account for less than one percent of the weight of my head; I’m bony and dense; I see what I expect. ~Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Word Count: 31 All the One Word Less for Lent 2015 posts are bundled here. […]
still saturday: purge our eyes
Lord, purge our eyes to see Within the seed a tree Within the glowing egg a bird, Within the shroud a butterfly. Till taught by such, we see Beyond all creatures Thee; And hearken for Thy tender word, And hear it, “Fear not: it is I.” ~Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) Stilled to see, Sandy Welcome […]
how clutter makes us fat, and how to slow down to see
I went in search of the sound of scratching. I found it coming from behind the door of no admittance. From the room that used to be my sister-in-law’s bedroom until this house was moved across the field in the ’60s and the room was halved to accommodate a stairway to a full basement. […]
i can see clearly now
Grace burrows into the hood of her orange sweatshirt and curls into pink plush on the couch. She complains of a sore throat, but she has no fever. Of course, it’s only 49 degrees in the house. “I can’t feel my fingers,” she moans. “Do you want some gloves?” “No. Then I can’t feel […]