They said the drive to Nebraska and Jumping Tandem: The Retreat would be long and boring. They were wrong. A week ago I’d messaged my prayer warriors, “I’m having a little trouble holding it together right now. Could use a little glue prayer.” And they were on it like bees on crabapple blossoms. One […]
New Skin
Note: In just five weeks, I’ll find myself next to the Frio River in the hill country of Texas when I attend The High Calling retreat at Laity Lodge. And oh how I need it as I’ve been going through a rather hard and hectic season. I need to be in this place with […]
three musicians you should know
I’m trying to come down from a Frio River high after four days at Laity Lodge in the Hill Country of Texas with members of The High Calling. On second thought, I don’t want to come down. I want to immerse myself in the sounds of running water and a crackling fire, the clatter of dishes, quiet […]
these are my people
We gather in the Great Hall facing the fireplace, sunk deep in soft sofas, perched on chairs, or sprawled on the floor. And my heart burns with words and songs, and tears flow, but they can’t extinguish the flames. Since wheels met water and we traveled through the river, I’ve felt embraced by the canyon […]
You’ve Got to be Dreaming! Plus Making Music (or Not) and a Retreat
I had a dream. It came in a big walnut box banded with black and white. It was the first piece of furniture we bought together after our wedding, and when I closed my eyes, I could see my fingers fly up and down those keys. I took lessons weekly after work, and she made […]
Rest and Refresh
We spent a couple of nights in the Days Inn. And then early morning hours in a small hospital waiting room lit by Coke and candy machines. That was the night my mom’s blood pressure was whack. My sister swiped a couple pillows off a stretcher in a hallway and cleaned them with her always-present […]