Love whispers petals crushed on tongues of salty grief that bleed a sweet red symphony and rises on the wings of hope. Words would just not come this month for Tweetspeak Poetry’s February prompt of red. So today I played with magnetic words and came up with these few brief lines. Though he […]
To My Mother: A Villanelle
I held you captive in my sight while evil fingers burrowed deep, and I heard you crying in the night. While you focused on the light and pumpkin-apple deer stood watch I held you captive in my sight. You pulled strings, made magic sleight with finger-writing in the air, but I heard you crying in […]
Photoplay From My Back: Comfortable
I hover over her, squint at her tilted back and crooked neck. Are you comfortable? She looks up at me. Are you? No. I tug and pull and fluff her pillows. How is that– are you comfortable now? She looks up at me. Are you? Yes, I’m better. And we laugh. She hates this, […]
It Will Not End Up Here
How did I end up here wrapped in a circle of poets (I don’t even call myself a poet) where we showed up to taste peaches and wild grapes, to crush the flesh of nectarine and sing fig songs? How did I end up here in cedar-scented sacred breeze benched above a liquid mirror […]
Poetry as Rust
There is change in the breaking when flakes of feeling surface, exposed, blister and bleed on paper, transformed into a poetic patina of words stripped from the heart. Responding to the challenge Photography and Poetry as Rust through The High Calling and T.S. Poetry Press. If you have time, check out my “rusty” photo set on Flickr.
Walking Wooden
They’re at it again, these two. Claire and L.L. Asking us to stretch our “creative fibers.” To share our history symbolically. In photographic images. And poetry–a sonnet. Claire challenges us to find five photos that answer five specific questions. I didn’t realize how much my life has been shaped by wood. 1. Who Made Up Your […]
Window on Writing: Not Yet (A Random Act of Poetry)
I gather heart shreds and try to stuff them into the hollow of my heaving chest as moon grins thin through dark cocoon and hair spills wet on pillow. Let it go But still I cling. Not yet Forgiveness knots in stomach seeks release but I hang on a little longer. It’s too soon The […]
Window on Writing: What’s in a Word?
What’s in a Word? a seed mined from a thought planted on a page dispersed with a breath a jewel with many facets pregnant with personality filled with power and rich with a million possibilities A Random Act of Poetry for The High Calling where we are asked to write a poem that tells a […]
If I’m Still Enough
Sometimes when the light is right and if I’m still enough I catch the glitter of tinsel dust that floats above melted memories of magic and mystery in the waiting and anticipation of gifts delivered in the night and I long for simple times when I delighted in an unseen omnipotent giver and all I […]
I am
I am too big in my box to see I AM but when I am out of my box I am small so small and I see I AM everywhere I am. I write this in honor of L.L. Barkat who has inspired me to leave my “box” and yield myself to the vastness of […]