“Take some more tea,” the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly. “I’ve had nothing yet,” Alice replied in an offended tone, “so I can’t take more.” “You mean you can’t take less,” said the Hatter. “it’s very easy to take more than nothing.” More Than Enough More always more to do to […]
Clinging to the Muchness of This
Isaiah 43:1 “I’m adopted!” I spit those words at my parents and slammed the door. It was about the worse thing I could think of to say. I didn’t know what adopted meant, but I was pretty sure it meant I didn’t belong. That they didn’t really love me. How could they? How much […]
The Color of Choices–Part 2
Sissy is laughing at me. “You have trouble making choices, don’t you?” But I don’t want to make the wrong one. I mean, this could be a legacy purchase. I used to dream of one of those tilt-type mixers. But figured it was a luxury, and I didn’t have the space to store and operate […]
Textures of Text: Let’s Go All Word Wild
Perhaps the role of those involved in the arts, then, is to awaken ourselves and others to beauty–in all its risk and richness. ~Luci Shaw Let’s go all word wild. Let’s bound over boundaries and color outside the fence lines. Let’s open up new spaces within ourselves and dive in deep waters. Let’s be reckless […]
Textures of Text: Because He Lives
I sat on the choir platform, and my eyes floated in pools as we sang. Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living, Just because He lives! It was our last Sunday in this church. The […]
Textures of Text: Worth the Sacrifice
They had reached the end of their rope. Steeped in self. Stuck to stone and stubble. Deep in depravity. They stumbled in sin and set nets for others. Held hostage by habits. With hearts hardened by a spirit of harlotry. Without knowledge of God. And He was about to let them go. When they go […]
Textures of Text: Renewed by The American Patriot’s Almanac
History is a cyclic poem written by time upon the memories of man. ~Percy Bysshe Shelley I requested The American Patriot’s Almanac to review before Christmas. But my husband–who loves history–snagged it, and I had to wrestle it back. This book is a collection of daily bite-sized readings on America by William J. Bennett and […]
A Gift of Compassion
I just looked through this catalog, and I’m so giddy with excitement that I can’t sit still. My heart leaps with joy at the creative possibilities. Perfect gifts. That teach the real meaning of Christmas. That don’t cost an arm and a leg. Unless you want to spend an arm and a leg. Or spend […]
Black Friday Fellowship
I am a member of the Black Friday Fellowship. Or maybe it’s the Sisterhood of Silliness. Whatever it is, it’s tradition. This dark rising to set forth into the land of cold and crowds. Slushing through snow in tennis shoes and unbuttoned jackets. Gloveless. It always begins with a coffee stop. Sometimes there’s a plan, […]
Grateful For These
They orbit a Center in cyberspace. And sometimes in that sacred galaxy, entered words find their mark. There’s a holy collision. Splayed hearts melt, mold, and magnetize–creating and drawing new friendships. Deep friendships. Real friendships. Friendships that share joys and dreams and fears and hurts. That fervently pray and encourage and inspire. That speak truth […]