Time lengthens and slows down. To work at a poem is to enter a sacred and timeless space, the field of infinite possibilities. It is a place of silences wherein the chief activities are watching and listening. ~Sandford Lyne in Writing Poetry from the Inside Out: Finding Your Voice through the Craft of Poetry. Sing […]
Window on Writing: The Shelter of His Presence
Thou has made us for thyself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in thee. ~St. Augustine Restless one pursued by fear homeless and alone spill your pain like water make room for overflowing joy unending blessing and come home for in the shelter of His presence there is peace […]
Window on Writing: Cracked for Light
The cracks are how the light shines in, and it is only by remaining aware of imperfection that we remain open to redemption and reform. ~Leonard Cohen hidden heart room veiled from sight until the light breaks through the curtain cracked flames bright reveals the dirt that melts in muddy rivers cleanses and creates beauty […]
First Snow
soft no flurry at the feeders no song in the air no footprints to follow just brushed wet kisses and manna whispers still Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7 (NIV) Adding my words to other poets at One Shot Wednesday. And […]
I am
I am too big in my box to see I AM but when I am out of my box I am small so small and I see I AM everywhere I am. I write this in honor of L.L. Barkat who has inspired me to leave my “box” and yield myself to the vastness of […]
Sensing God
I see God in golden spotlight of morning stage with pink and lavender curtains billowed. I hear God in feathered symphony and leafy whispers of Spirit breath within my ear. I smell God in golden crisp of autumn wrapped with subtle scent of smoke and damp. I feel God in warmth of sunshine on my […]
Embraced by Grace in Chile
It’s a miracle morning while men are mined amid cheers and tears as they emerge from rock-sealed tomb a half-mile journey from the belly of the earth where battle raged in spirit realm and God stretched out His holy arm as one and more grasped and passed from darkness into light embraced by grace. Gracias. […]
All Lined Up
Okay, so I managed to whip up this little ditty while gazing out my office window. All lined up dressed to the T’s shoulder to shoulder hip to hip and clip to clip on vinyl pews swaying in the spirit and waving praises in hallelujah colors. For One Shot Wednesday.
I See Glory
The dark begins to fade gray and the world looks like my bathroom after a shower. The fog has come on little cat feet. It sits on silent haunches and looks over the field. Waiting. In the spirit of God in the Yard, I pour a cup of coffee in my Michigan mug (I know […]
In the Desert of the Broken Pieces
She gathered fragments of one well loved, cradled them sharp to her own shattered heart and stumbled in the desert of the broken pieces with flame-seared hopes and sorrow-melted dreams. She writhed in pain alone and bled from gaping wounds immune to a physician’s mend while clothed in shreds of tear-stained pride. She feared a […]