We stay on the island as long as possible and then cross the Mighty Mac to the upper peninsula. Grace has waited for this all day. We travel west along Lake Superior and soak in the wonder of sky and water. Later He wraps us in pink and lavender and gold. The next day we decide […]
God Moments with G-Ma and Grace: The Soo Locks
It’s time to go home. But Grace saw a movie at school on the Soo Locks. She wants to see them up close and personal. And go through them. The scenery assaults me. We’ve come from peaceful and pristine to chaos and clutter. Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan side. A place of barges and docks and […]
God Moments with G-Ma and Grace: Tahquamenon Falls
Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. But still they ignore pleas and commands and warnings. Still they ignore fences, leave the path, and flirt with danger. We watch adults lead their children astray, encourage them to dance in slippery spots. And we talk about how we might not be able to steep ourselves […]
God Moments with G-Ma and Grace: Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
Today we are fascinated by small things. A sense of history in an old lighthouse. Shades of blues and green. And white. And the dance of light. We marvel at a great blue heron and the reflection of a spotted sandpiper. And we agree–Michigan reflects our Creator at every turn. Then Gracee spies a cross. […]
God Moments with G-Ma and Grace: Sugarloaf Mountain
We stay on the island as long as possible and then cross the Mighty Mac to the upper peninsula. Grace has waited for this all day. We travel west along Lake Superior and soak in the wonder of sky and water. Later He wraps us in pink and lavender and gold. The next day we decide […]
Monday Meditation: Crazy Love in Northern Michigan
We are “up north” again. We’ve come to pick up my son’s car, left here since his honeymoon when he crashed it. (I still plan to post some wedding pictures. Here’s a peek.) We’ve decided to make a weekend out of it. Friday Night Live has taken over Front Street in Traverse City, and […]