This Making Manifest study has me combing my blog for poetry attempts, and I ran across this villanelle (my first and quite possibly my last) written in response to a December 2011 poetry prompt issued by The High Calling and Tweetspeak Poetry. I wrote it a month after my mother died, and it seems right to revisit it as […]
One bloom in my mom memory bouquet
They were probably separate Christmases, but they’re tied together to make one bloom in my mom memory bouquet… We still live in the little four-room house. I’m off on another hunt that takes me under the couch cushion, inside a chartreuse kitchen cupboard door, under the gray formica table, behind the toaster, on top of my parents’ dresser, and […]
bless the mamas
They mother the motherless, the mamas in this orphan village. The team that traveled to Jeremie, Haiti, the month before us went specifically to love on them. The photo of women washing the feet of women who wash feet nearly undid me. These mamas carry hearts heavy with Jesus. Though some bring their own children […]
Through and Through Life: Motherhood Should Come With
I love that I can back date my posts. Because this is Thursday’s post. Written and posted on Friday. Because I’ve scrambled this week to keep up. But it’s all good because I recently discovered Five Minute Fridays with Lisa Jo, the Gypsy Mama. And it gives me a chance to try. The rules: Throw […]