Hannah Whithall Smith’s critics have noted that the title of her most famous book, The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life, is ironic, given the difficulties she faced throughout her life. Why take advice from someone whose life was so fraught with disappointment? you might ask. How is Hannah Whithall Smith’s life a model […]
Fitting in Just Fine (Spiritual Misfit)
I don’t remember what sparked the argument. But we stood outside the cloakroom inside the second-floor classroom in the old brick school that’s long since crumbled. The classroom where the fire escape tunnel slide exited. The tunnel we loved to play in after school while we waited for the two buses to return for […]
40 Words of Lent 2014: Day 18 (Still Saturday)
“The more I thought about it, . . . I realized C.S. Lewis’s suggestion that we lay aside our fussings and frettings and come in out of the wind was the only viable alternative to a life dictated by anxiety, distraction, and fear.” ~Michelle DeRusha in Spiritual Misfit Word Count: 40 Today’s Reading: John […]
40 Words of Lent 2014: Day 13
Your post pushed me into the muck of jealousy. So I promoted it. It’s the best way to scramble out of that slimy green pit. Most times I share simply because your words sing. But now, of course, you’ll wonder. Word Count: 40 Today’s Reading: Luke 9-12 In the stillness, Sandy
when you have no idea where you are going
It’s been one of those weeks. You’ve had them, right? Times of hard decision-making and what-ifs that lead to more waiting and second-guessing and flip-flopped fear and trust, and you just want a final decision to be made and hope you can live with it. Except each step on the journey brings more decisions […]
in which i stretch out my palms
I stretch out on the blue carpet in front of the family room fireplace, palms up. And I beg God to let me feel the pain, to identify with what Jesus experienced as spikes seared his flesh. But as I wait in the stillness, I sense these words. “It is finished. Done. Over. Paid for […]
pondering a fall
She’d just climbed up and in when it fell apart and down. The neighbor man made it for my mother-in-love and her sister when they were young. “The last girl to get married,” he said, “gets to keep it.” Mom gave the set to us shortly after our wedding. That bed’s enfolded guests, our […]
31 Days of Coming to Grips with My Age ~ Day 29: Planting and Harvest
This is what is happening in our field (and will continue late into the night) while Hurricane Sandy slams the east coast. We’re expecting her to visit here later after most of her fury is spent. Our world here is all pink and gold and peaceful while the storm rages elsewhere. “Don’t be misled: No […]
31 Days of Coming to Grips with My Age ~ Day 22: Re-membering to Restore
I slide into the polished pew next to D and sink into the history of this place, built over a hundred years ago, now restored. I’m immersed in a warm blend of pink and blue and green and gold, laced with intricate stenciling. A glass kaleidoscope rises on my right. Jesus and the children […]
Epiphany on the Porch
I’ve taken to the porch this morning with a cup of coffee and my camera. It’s supposed to be over 100 today, and I can feel the humidity rising. But there’s a breeze, and it’s comfortable. I love this porch. I don’t think I could ever live anywhere again without one. We added this […]