How many times have I traveled this road as it bends and curves? Enough lately so I dare to look around and let the Journey carry me. It downshifts itself to climb. Carmine and golden hills surround me. I’m in ski country. My dad says this road was once an Indian trail that led from Petoskey to Alpena. Gray […]
Word of the Week: Journey
jour ∙ ney – \ˈjər-nē\ noun : the act of traveling from one place to another : a process of changing and developing over a period of time : my car verb : undertake a journey or trip : travel upon or across Financially savvy folks save to pay hard cash for a new […]
Still Saturday: What Does the Landscape Look Like?
“So, maps. Perhaps they are metaphors of progress towards a resting place, an ultimate goal. I used to teach courses in journal keeping as a means to self-awareness and God awareness. One of the exercises I suggested was this: “See your life as a landscape. Describe its contours and challenges, and think of yourself […]
Still Saturday: Atmosphere
“Atmosphere is created when we bring our memories, thoughts, and emotions to a place. It is our physical presence that makes a space become real . . . “Dare to awaken your soul to be physically present. “Taste the atmosphere with God and bring all the stories you’re living–the joy, heartbreak, worries, hopes, and […]
when you have no idea where you are going
It’s been one of those weeks. You’ve had them, right? Times of hard decision-making and what-ifs that lead to more waiting and second-guessing and flip-flopped fear and trust, and you just want a final decision to be made and hope you can live with it. Except each step on the journey brings more decisions […]
a sacred pause: a prayer experience
I climb up the back steps, push open the door, walk past the library on my right, past the sanctuary on my left, through the parlor lit only by stained glass windows. The chapel, on the right, is set up. Nobody else is here. I’ve come to complete an assignment, a challenge to check off […]
Five Minute Friday: Sacred Sod
“I need to go plant flowers at the cemetery this weekend,” I said. “When you and Dad are gone, will I have to do that?” My daughter brushes a blond strand off her forehead. “You don’t have to,” I smile. “I mean, is it my job, my responsibility?” I shrug. “I like to do it. […]