book – noun \ˈbu̇k\ : a set of printed sheets of paper that are held together inside a cover : a long written work : a long written work that can be read on a computer : a set of sheets of paper that are inside a cover and that you can write information […]
Still Saturday: Because They’re #GoingThere
May the Prince of Peace “banish from human hearts whatever might endanger peace. May He transform them into witnesses of truth, justice, and brotherly love. . . . May He enkindle the wills of all so that they may overcome the barriers that divide, cherish the bonds of mutual charity, understand others, and pardon those […]
Word of the Week: Weary
weary – adjective\ˈwir-ē\ : lacking strength, energy, or freshness because of a need for rest or sleep : bored or annoyed by something because you have seen it, heard it, done it, etc., many times or for a long time : causing you to feel tired This morning I took Grace to the eye […]
#GoingThere: In Which I Can’t Go There
I woke up at 4 this morning when the dogs went crazy in their crates because a cat upchucked on the bedroom floor, and they wanted at it. They wanted at it bad. I made my husband get up and crawl around looking for the drop of hacked spittle. But I could not go […]
Word of the Week: Journey
jour ∙ ney – \ˈjər-nē\ noun : the act of traveling from one place to another : a process of changing and developing over a period of time : my car verb : undertake a journey or trip : travel upon or across Financially savvy folks save to pay hard cash for a new […]
Coming in Second
Once upon a time, I was a beauty queen. But I was never crowned. And no official queen portrait exists. Because I didn’t earn the title. In fact, the photo that always appears in the “parade” of past queens in the annual pageant program is of a formal portrait taken when I represented my […]
Just for Fun: Color Poems
Yesterday, Jennifer Dukes Lee challenged us to write color poems. I dashed one off on the color white — and tweaked it a tad here. White White is snow a sheet unfurled from heaven swirling feathers from an angel’s pillow a soft dusting like a baby’s powder. White is clouds scooped high like vanilla […]
To My Mother: A Villanelle
This Making Manifest study has me combing my blog for poetry attempts, and I ran across this villanelle (my first and quite possibly my last) written in response to a December 2011 poetry prompt issued by The High Calling and Tweetspeak Poetry. I wrote it a month after my mother died, and it seems right to revisit it as […]
Awakening (Making Manifest: Week One)
Here I am. How did I get to this place at this moment? How did I end up sitting at this cracked pine table at 5 a.m. on a May morning in 2014? Did I choose this place? Or did it choose me? Did I choose to work through Dave Harrity’s Making Manifest: On Faith, […]
40 Words of Lent 2014: Day 29
Please, God, let my parents come and beat her up. We’d had a sword fight with pencils, she and I. And Mrs. Smith rapped my 8-year-old knuckles. But not hers. So I turned around and scribbled on her picture. And . . . continued over at Laura Rath’s in my post titled “On the […]