hope – verb \ˈhōp\ : to desire with expectation of obtainment : to expect with confidence hope – noun\ˈhōp\ : desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment : expectation of fulfillment or success : someone or something on which hopes are centered ____________ There was thunder and lightning, and Grace called from her […]
Word of the Week: Journey
jour ∙ ney – \ˈjər-nē\ noun : the act of traveling from one place to another : a process of changing and developing over a period of time : my car verb : undertake a journey or trip : travel upon or across Financially savvy folks save to pay hard cash for a new […]
broken melody :: quiet spaces clean as paper before a poem fingertips of God :: beautiful tone Inspired by chapter 17, “Solitude.” Leaving some whitespace here this month as I rest with Bonnie. I’m reading and writing on a chapter a day. In the stillness, Sandy This post is part of the “Finding Spiritual […]
40 Words of Lent 2014: Day 29
Please, God, let my parents come and beat her up. We’d had a sword fight with pencils, she and I. And Mrs. Smith rapped my 8-year-old knuckles. But not hers. So I turned around and scribbled on her picture. And . . . continued over at Laura Rath’s in my post titled “On the […]
how do you make art?
I’m reading Emily Freeman’s book, A Million Little Ways: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live with The High Calling book club. Emily writes: Maybe you live confidently in the midst of scary situations. Maybe you are brave enough to listen, to wait, to trust. Maybe you see potential in situations and in people that […]
five minute friday: and so I write…
You’ll have to read the first part of Seth Godin’s post to get how Goldie Hawn fits into this quote. Unpredictable isn’t precisely the same as random. We can certainly make dumb choices, we can suffer from being unprepared, we can be the victim of bad judgment too. The essential thing to remember, though, is that every […]
when I was worthy of spit
I’m guessing I was pretty much a handful for my barely 20-year-old mom. Why? Because the very first thing I remember is she spit at me. It’s my first memory. When she leaned over the side rail and spit smack in my face. She said she didn’t do it. Didn’t remember doing it. But […]