It’s been a long week. And so it’s midnight before I begin to stir chickpea flour into melted ghee, finely chop macadamia nuts and mix with coconut into peaked egg whites, form chocolate truffles and roll in chocolate sprinkles. While the rest of the house sleeps. Wash, mix, mold, bake, scrape, taste, lick. I’m making […]
It’s a Two-Cup Morning
I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer. ~Martin Luther News on the radio startles me awake. Dennis forgot to shut off the alarm. I don’t want to get up. My elbow hurts, and my back aches. I know that Friday’s supper dishes line the counter–along with […]
Contemplating in the Yard
Looking is the beginning of seeing. ~Sister Corita Kent (from God in the Yard) I don’t know if L.L. took a camera to the yard. So far I don’t see that she said I couldn’t. I often take a tray to sit on wet grass or table. It holds my camera, binoculars, small Bible, God […]
What good is speed if the brain has oozed out of the way? St. Jerome Does that hurt your eyes? I thought so. It hurts mine, too. And my head. Now that the corn is chopped down, I can see I-69 from my “penthouse” window. Perpetual motion. Constant comings. Constant goings. When I’m yard sitting, […]
Tuning Up in the Pink
I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in. ~George Washington Carver I got a package in the mail yesterday. I didn’t remember ordering anything that felt like clothes. But there inside was a soft pink fleece shirt. Along […]
Waiting in the Yard
In the end, this is the most hopeful thing any of us can say about spiritual transformation: I cannot transform myself, or anyone else for that matter. What I can do is create the conditions in which spiritual transformation can take place . . . ~Ruth Haley Barton (via God in the Yard, chapter 2, […]
Mindless Drifting
It’s dark when I head to the porch this morning. Dark and chilly and windy. I wrap the Dora blanket around my legs and rock while the trees sprinkle my face. I note a light on at Abby’s, and I wonder if everything is okay and think about texting, but I don’t. I hear semi […]
My Window View~Doo Dew
It’s been an interesting week. My uncle, my mom’s older brother, passed away. Abby told me that she thinks being booted from all her classes (18 mostly business credits) this semester because of an email fluke was a blessing in disguise. She thinks she’d rather be a teacher. She also told me that her probable […]
Sitting and Sipping and Seeing
The sky glittered last night with a billion Hand-tossed diamonds. The blackness was so clear. This morning I take a cup of tea (not coffee) and the Dora blankie to a porch rocker. (L.L. Barkat will be pleased to know I spent 55 minutes out there.) The sky is crinkled with gray. But as I […]
I See Glory
The dark begins to fade gray and the world looks like my bathroom after a shower. The fog has come on little cat feet. It sits on silent haunches and looks over the field. Waiting. In the spirit of God in the Yard, I pour a cup of coffee in my Michigan mug (I know […]