Comfort, the word, always takes me back to that uncomfortable place. A hospital bed surrounded by a forest of faces and the smell of alcohol and acetone. They’re removing the polish from toenails and fingernails, making yet another stab in my forearm, trying to pour life back into my body. While life pours into my […]
When You’re Mashed in the Making
I toast a sourdough muffin golden, two halves, and slather them with butter and mounds of strawberry freezer jam. I love the color of strawberries mashed in the making. Jeweled jam. And red, to me, is the color of hope. I steep a cup of Earl Grey Green, inhale the fragrance of bergamot, and settle […]
Mashed in the Making
I toast a sourdough muffin golden, two halves, and slather them with butter and mounds of strawberry freezer jam. I love the jeweled color of strawberries mashed in the making. Red to me is the color of hope. I steep a cup of Earl Grey Green, inhale the fragrance of bergamot, and settle at the […]