“If we are going to live appropriately in the creation we must keep the Sabbath. We must stop running around long enough to see what he has done and is doing. We must shut up long enough to hear what he has said and is saying. All our ancestors agree that without silence and […]
how clutter makes us fat, and how to slow down to see
I went in search of the sound of scratching. I found it coming from behind the door of no admittance. From the room that used to be my sister-in-law’s bedroom until this house was moved across the field in the ’60s and the room was halved to accommodate a stairway to a full basement. […]
When Wonder’s Wedged
Some days are way weary. This is one of them. Its wonder’s wedged in the dusty gap between the cupboard and the fridge. And stuck in pancake syrup still puddled in the morning’s plates. Tupperware towers topple on the work tables, containers that once held unrecognizable food rescued from the depths of the ancient gargantuan […]
Saturday’s Health Snippet: One Way to Drop Some Weight
One way to drop some weight is . . . to drop some weight. When we’re overwhelmed with stuff . . . we tend to stuff. At least I do. If my surroundings are out of order, my eating is out of order. I don’t have the energy to eat in a way that provides […]