I’ve been sitting in a new pew the past few weeks. Not that there was anything wrong with the old one, the one where my husband had grown up and where we expected we might end up. Literally. But I’d started to feel restless and a little cramped. I wasn’t connecting relationally with […]
Scripture Sunday: Create
When he [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” ~ Luke 5:4 (NIV) :: “Wade where Jesus is still creating you. Choose creative whitespace.” ~Bonnie Gray critical voices beached boats, empty nets, dead dreams fish deeper water :: it’s never too late to […]
when you’re crushed and broken
It’s just the two of us for dinner. I scrounge up some chicken, left over from the chicken-with-cherry-sauce recipe from A Taste of Laity Lodge. Only for her, I serve it plain with bottled Hawaiian sauce and no cherries and a broken breadstick with pizza sauce. She skips the asparagus. Then she trades the chicken […]