Books :: Yes, I did. I ordered another one today. I’m filling my basket like a starving shopper in the grocery aisle where everything tantalizes. I hope I can eat it all before it grows stale or moldy. Taste and see. Bread of life. :: Multiplied :: “I cannot live without books.” ~ Thomas Jefferson Of […]
finally booked: john donne, a wheelbarrow, wonder, and a lasting love
Which of you, if your grandgirl asks for a book, will give her a Brussels sprout? Even one dipped in chocolate? Or if she begs to download the ScriptureTyper app for $5.99 on her iPod so she can try to memorize words from the Word, will you give her a broom and tell her to […]
in which I rediscover the nun’s story in the soul of me
My mom thought I should become a flight attendant—mostly so she could get discounted travel. But I wasn’t quite tall enough, and my vision was less than perfect. I’d read The Nun’s Story by Kathryn Hulme. So I wanted to be a nun. Or a missionary nurse in Africa. Or both. I never considered […]
encouragement: i missed it
The letters, they come every Christmas, faithful as the sunrise, shedding light on their lives. We’ve known each other for over 40 years when we worked together, and she encouraged the cute “detail man” to ask me out. I say “told.” He says “suggested.” She says “encouraged.” We visited them in Fort Rucker and then in […]
booked: grace quotes
The human impulse to create and find meaning is a gift of grace. Grace is the opposite of “expectations” because it is so, well, unexpected. And, interestingly enough, grace is at the center of Great Expectations. ~Karen Swallow Prior, Booked, Chapter 4, “The Magic of Story: Great Expectations” What I came to understand […]
Lay Me Down on a Bed of Books
I wake wrapped in zebra sheets. (Maybe that accounts for my battling-the-tiger dreams of the other night.) Light streams through the basement window, and I turn, and full moon hovers bright. I’ve tossed all night, brain churning with medical and financial waves. I reach out and pat them, chenille scattered–Patsy Clairmont and Blackwater Ben and […]
Window on Writing: Kindle Konversion and Letting Go for Lent
This is one shelf. Out of six in this case. Out of four cases of six. Of that style. It doesn’t include the shelves in my office, a wall of built-in shelves in one room, a half-wall of built-in shelves in the basement, a metal cupboard of shelves in the garage. Full of books. Not […]