When our 17-year-old daughter was pregnant with our first grand girl, she planned to name her Alizay. It was even frosted across the top of her baby shower cake. But I’d tripped over a house of ill repute by the same name, and she’d discovered “Alize” was actually a line of alcoholic drinks. So […]
Word of the Week: Journey
jour ∙ ney – \ˈjər-nē\ noun : the act of traveling from one place to another : a process of changing and developing over a period of time : my car verb : undertake a journey or trip : travel upon or across Financially savvy folks save to pay hard cash for a new […]
remembering on memorial day
Today we remember those who serve and sacrifice. My father tried to get into every branch of service during WWII, but was unable to because of his congenital nystagmus. (If he had been, would he have married my mother? Would there have been a me?) He was accepted as a Civil Air Patrol Cadet at […]
Scripture Sunday: Unending Love, Amazing Grace
Soaking in His amazing grace and unending love with Deidra and Katie. And Michael.