The man, wearing a burgundy Florida State University t-shirt emblazoned with the words, “Lethal Simplicity,” nodded as we approached each other on a recent walk around the neighborhood. “And how are we today?” he asked.
“Simply fine,” I responded and laughed as his golden retriever pulled him on past. I thought of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. “People come and go so quickly here.”
But it’s not entirely true. Sure, I’ve passed lots of people with plugs in their ears and glistening temples and sweet shoes. They nod, maybe grunt and are gone with the wind. Back in the day, I could walk miles down country roads and never lock eyes with someone on their feet. But here I get to pet dogs that are out walking their people and have lingered for long conversations with several. Several people, that is. Well, maybe I’ve talked to dogs, too. And maybe they actually did respond.
Also, we have great neighbors. One always pulls our trash can and recycling bins up to our garage after pickup, and the young man next door (possibly inspired by his father) power-washed our sidewalk and street gutter after we drew our second “go to HOA jail” card. The first involved washing our roof, but instead we replaced the flat concrete shingles with those terra cotta barrel tiles. That same young man and his brother helped my husband take down our window boards after Hurricane Irma blew through. Buying those and hanging them with a handyman’s help was an experience we’d prefer not to repeat. We’re now looking into shutters and hurricane glass.
Part of me was a little disappointed that we didn’t lose power for more than a few hours. We’d been told of street parties following Hurricane Matthew (or was it Andrew?) where neighbors pooled meal supplies and ate together.
Anyway, we’ve been riding quite the rollercoaster of new things and first experiences starting two years ago this month with a major remodel of the family farmhouse we planned to live in forever. (Or at least I did.) Now we live in a tropical climate a thousand miles away from snow and sub-zero temperatures and frozen water pipes. Now we live where women thrill to don sweaters and high fashion boots when the temperature approaches 60 degrees and where it rains iguanas when it plummets below 50.
But I digress. This post is supposed to be about my #OneWord. I’ve been operating in a stillness mode for years, and that, I think, is why you’ve come to visit–if you have. My tag line today still reads, “focusing. still,” and my mini-meet introduction reads, “I’m Sandra, a camera-toting, recovering doer who’s learning to be. still.” But all that is going to be changing, and the blog is going to morph over the next few weeks. I know. I said that a few months back. I hoped it’d be before now. That was the plan, but my blog whisperer’s and my schedules have been as colorful and crazy as a large spilled bag of M&M’s. And I’ve been trying to find my focus.
Anyway… last year my #OneWord was “light” in all its many contexts. This year, though… are you ready for it? I’m going with DO. Shocking, yes?
And here is a beginning do list in no particular order:
Do… continue to dream.
Do… suck the marrow out of every day (or at least most days.)
Do… be intentional about my health and self-care.
Do… establish a daily routine and try to stick to it.
Do… not procrastinate on things that matter.
Do… dare to try new things and accept (most) dares.
Do… keep my camera battery charged.
Do… practice on my harp(s).
Do… make my bed every morning. First thing.
Do… commit more poetry.
Do… try to think of others more than myself, but don’t neglect me.
Do… be a wild(er) reader.
Do… become a better writer.
Do… be more grateful.
Do… make time to connect with friends face-to-face.
Do… mail gifts early.
Do… laugh more.
Do… be kinder.
Do… listen more.
Do… take time to be still.
Do… continue to say no–but also say yes without thinking too hard and too long.
Do… try to delete drama.
Do… look more on the bright side.
Do… pay attention and be astonished and tell about it as Mary Oliver instructs.
Oh, and…
Do… revamp the blog and actually post regularly on it.
Seriously. I’ve said this before, right? And yikes! I said that before here. Like nine months ago! Maybe that was another pregnancy of sorts
This year I’m going to try to actually DO it, though the content might be different from what you’re used to seeing here.
Seriously. Let’s do this thing. It should be a lethally simple thing to do.
So what is your #OneWord? Do you have one? What do you plan to do this year?
I think the success of any endeavour depends on the desire not just to succeed, but to participate…to DO. So I like your One Word. I posted on FB yesterday about the ‘one word stars’ that were distributed in my church. I’m not feeling a lot of enthusiasm today for the one I received, so it may be back to the drawing board for me.
My focus shifted from my blog to Facebook during 2017. I still posted on the blog, but less frequently, and that was less satisfying to the writer in me. I’m not big on making Resolutions (with a capital ‘R’) but my plan is to return attention to my blog. I might look to you for inspiration. 🙂
I saw your star. I think you’re pretty generous, especially with encouragement and caring, all the time. 🙂
What I need to “do” is write down a reminder to come back here to
1. remind myself of my word and
2. remind myself of the things I want to do and assess how I’m doing. 😉
I hope we can inspire each other in 2018.
Wonderful word. I love it, my word is simplify. I will follow the guidelines of purge and remove. I suppose DO could fit in my space too. :0)
I guess “do” could fit in a lot of spaces. And you go with beating that stuff into submission. I’m still fighting…
I love your word ‘Do’. It connotes activity. My word last year was ‘create’ – another word which brings to mind activity. This year my word is ‘Adventure’ – it’s about opening up to the experiences, beauty, and joy that life offers and living with passion, enthusiasm and excitement.
I wish you well with your word for 2018.
Hi, Colleen. I’ve just come from exploring your blog and was hooked right away by your Mary Oliver quote on your landing page. Thanks so much for coming by, and I love your word. It was one I toyed with as well. I think we might think along the same lines. 🙂
Best wishes in your adventures and in finding your dream home.
Absolutely love your “do” list, Sandra! My word for the year? Breathe. You can read why I chose it here:
Blessings for the New Year!
Heading there now. I could add Do… breathe on my list, too. 😀
Happy New Year, Sandy! I am so glad to see this post in my mailbox. It sounds like an intentional start of “DO” for you~more focused on the activities you enjoy. My intention came a little differently this year, as INCREASE: well-being, stamina, adventure, peace. For me, that has begun with health and wellness and not letting a busy schedule get in the way of good nutrition, changing my nutrition (gluten-free, dairy free, nightshades free, caffeine free) and increasing yoga, which I already love. It has meant trying new foods (I’m a picky picky one) and cutting out non-essential activities/thoughts for the time being (maybe this first month or two so I can observe and learn more about what’s working for me). And I have a HUGE adventure coming mid-year (traveling). I mentally prepped for this change throughout December, and it’s going surprisingly well so far.:-)
I love it. It’s super easy to let our schedules take over. I’m glad you are increasing time to devote to you. I think spending a couple months just observing what works and what doesn’t is good. That’s a huge step to cut all of that out of your diet at once–yes? Or maybe you were working toward that anyway. I can’t wait to hear about this new adventure. Are you taking Megan’s class next month? And is drinking more tea on your list?
It’s a delight to read your words, Sandy. You’ver chosen a good word. It’s funny, I’ve been trying to get away from the “do” mentality, but you are making something good of it.
It’s been a rough time for our family, but as the Lord so often does, He has surprised me with a word that seems ti be pursuing me. Joy! So unexpected.
It’s good to be back. I was in that doing thing for so long, but it was a different kind of doing, I think, for different reasons. Before I think it was a matter of needing to feel needed or be seen or feel important or … ? Also, when I gave up calendars and pursued more of just being, I found myself procrastinating or neglecting things that needed doing. Now I want to do what needs to be done with a little more inner stillness–but not neglect the joy and adventure of a day. If that makes sense. There… I just said joy, too. I hope this year brings smoother sailing for your family. Your friendship brings me joy. Love you big.
Yes, Sandy. That’s exactly the kind of doing I’ve been doing all my life! Always wanting to earn approval and trying hard to be liked. Unfortunately, social media really feeds that in me. I love your idea of doing. I long to find that balance. So…here’s to doing with joy!
Love you too!!
So glad you are going to “do” the blog thing more regularly as your words and photos bless me. My word this year is “focus” – I want to focus on running my race and doing what God would have me to do this year. Here’s to both our words and all that lies ahead in 2018! Blessings!
Hey there, Joanne. “Focus” is such a good word! And you will be “doing,” too. Let’s rock it this year. 😀