Here I am working on only my third barista badge. I have a ways to go, but I can’t look too far ahead. If I do, I’ll panic and start muttering in the streets about having to recite all “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” at once. This is a long poem, so I know it’ll take time, but I really thought I’d be further along by now. Part of the problem—and maybe it’s not really a problem—is something Glynn Young said, “Discovering poetry and poets can be something of a rabbit trail.”
I’ve been chasing rabbits.
And they are leading me to Dante and Sandburg and Longfellow. More at Tweetspeak Poetry (<– follow me there) where I’m reporting on my Prufrock dare progress…
Louise Gallagher says
Years ago, I had an Afghan Hound. I named him Prufrock. Wouldn’t you know it, he loved to chase rabbits!
Good luck!