One of the great gifts of God is the wonder and diversity of the world that is around us. From the book in your hands to the sky above you, the physical world invites amazement. In Romans 1 Paul says that we are without excuse precisely because of the glory that shines forth from everything God has made. It’s a stunning thing to be surrounded by all of these windows into the divine, these glimpses of glory.
Spend a moment, just a moment, looking around you right now. Whether you’re in a coffee shop, on a subway in a city center, sitting at home on your couch, sitting on the edge of forested trail or nursing a fussy infant with a book in your hand, lift your eyes from page or screen and notice. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes briefly and open them. What do you see? What’s around you that invites wonder?
~Tara M. Owens in Embracing the Body: Finding God in Our Flesh and Bone
In the stillness,
“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” ~ Romans 1:20 (NIV)
Welcome to the Still Saturday Community where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and reflect on the depth of sparse words. We’d love for you to join us. Grab the button and link up below. We all love to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to be still together, to gaze long and drink deep.
Andrew Budek-Schmeisser says
What’s around me that inspires wonder is the love and support of the readers of my blog.
They are truly the hands and feet of the Lord.They are why I keep going; both the reason and the means.
I’m dying, yes – but if there is any hope at all, if there is any chance for survival…these lovely people will have carried me there.
They don’t ‘give me courage’. They ARE courage.
Sandra Heska King says
“If there is any hope at all.” I’m hanging my heart on that.
Michele Morin says
I love Romans 1 and the way Tara sums it up: “precisely because of the glory . . .”
When I stop and look around, I’m always amazed at how much I am missing.
Sandra Heska King says
I know, right? I keep thinking about how long I’ve waited to see a bear in the wild on one of our trips to Upper Michigan, and how I’d *just* lifted my eyes from my phone in time to see one run right in front of our car.
Kia Stephens says
This is so true Sandra. God has truly been impressing upon me the wonderful things He has and is doing in and around me. So glad to be linking up with you today. Be blessed! – Kia
Sandra Heska King says
So glad to have you, Kia. Hugs.
Patricia @ Pollywog Creek says
We (I) take so much for granted when wonder surrounds us (me).
Have a WONDERful Saturday, my beautiful friend!!
Sandra Heska King says
I try not to, but I do. I need to be more attentive. You help me find wonder. xo
bluecottonmemory says
I want to teach my children how to look at the world this way – to see God right there – his messages, his love letters – just waiting to be opened and read – because then, when times are hard, they will see hope, beauty, riches and encouragement right beside them!
Sandra Heska King says
I wish I’d done a better job when my kids were small.
Jason Stasyszen says
Wonder… That’s it. That’s what I endeavor to be connected to. Beautiful words and photos, Sandra. Thank you.
Sandra Heska King says
Capturing grace…
Joanne Viola says
Wonderful quote. As I played outside with my grandchildren the other day, I noticed the smell of autumn in the air & in the way the grass was feeling under our feet. I was so amazed to realize how these slight nuances pointed me to think on my Creator. It is always good to join you here! Blessings!
Sandra Heska King says
I have to adjust my attitude as the season changes. Once I resign myself, I slip into that wonder. 😉
Always good to see you here, Joanne.
Nina says
Admiring God’s masterpieces in the creation ~ the big and small ~ is a joy in the daily walks. And whenever with fellowmen ~ just observing people, facial expressions ~ the cellist today at our morning service … Yes, it is marvelous and indescribable!
Thank you for your inspiration each week, Sandra!
Sandra Heska King says
I love being part of this mutual admiration society. I’m sorry I didn’t make it back here last week to tell you. Hugs.
Mary Townsend says
Sandra, one week ago today, I was blessed with my newest granddaughter, Grace. I have been helping with my daughters two sons and my other daughter’s daughter. My oldest grandson, Andrew, is medically fragile needing round the clock care. He is our precious miracle! As you can imagine, my time has not been my own. But each morning when I rise (after I tend to Andrew) I head out onto my deck to breathe in the beauty. I am always in awe of God’s creation, His blessings of nature…reading your email a day late was meant to be. Today I was thrilled and excited to see my little yellow finches, a scarlet Tanager, mourning doves and my first backyard hummingbird. After praising God and thanking him for these beautiful blessings, I came inside to tell the girls and who is hanging on a postcard but a praying mantis. We just stood in wonder before I gently took him or her outside t9 the safety of the vines. Shortly after, ready to venture off to Mass, as I walked to my car, a butterfly fluttered overhead and I felt like my heart would burst. Reading your quote from Tara Owens and the Scripture verse from Paul to the Romans filled my heart again as I thought about my family, my deck sightings, my worship…all glimpses of the glory of God! I hope this rambling comment says “Thank you God for Sandra!” So often your posts touch my heart and seem to me to be His Still small voice saying “Mary, I know your heart! I hear your thoughts, your prayers, your praise and thanksgiving…I see you especially in your brokenness. I am so glad you opened the eyes and ears of your heart today to be still and know that I am God!” Sandra, may God continue to bless you, your family and your ministry through your blog!” Amen!
Sandra Heska King says
Oh my gosh, Mary. Here I am with tears leaking down my cheeks. I’m so late on seeing this. And yet… I needed to see it late. I needed to see it today. I’ve had a long and busy week and woke up so tired… and then to find your beautiful words. Thank you, thank you, thank you, friend, for sharing your glimpses of glory. And may God continue to give you rest and strength as you pour yourself out for your loved ones. You are loved.
And happy belated birthday, sweet Grace!