Hog Stew, Krispy Kremes, and Ann Voskamp
The quicksand tried to swallow me.
Then the train came
and an elephant held out his trunk.
When I grasped it, it wiggled into a rainbow’d snake
that flung me into the red Corvette convertible
in Canadian National auto carrier #1000
graffiti’d with gifts.
We snaked our way through a jungle
and across the Mackinac Bridge
before the car came loose, and fell into
Lake Michigan where it sprouted oars.
I rowed to the beach
and drove a bowl of hog stew
into a writing cottage
made of Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
Ann Voskamp showed up
and said she wanted more.
Responding to a Tweetspeak Poetry dream poetry prompt
with a little editing help from L.L. Barkat.
In the stillness (and the silliness),
I wish I could articulate my dreams so precisely!
that’s what I call a DREAM!! Cool.
Except it made me crave Krispy Kremes. And saddened me that they closed the only store here and we can only get them at the gas station. But I bought some glazed twists at the grocery store–and ate all three of them myself.
I love this little poem. So image rich. I could see you doing a series of dream poems. They shake things loose for you, it seems. 🙂
You think so? Life’s been kind of hard and heavy around here lately, and I think I’ve been too serious. This was so fun. And not that hard. Maybe I’ll give a series a whirl. Maybe I’ll call it, “Dream a Little Dream…” (And thanks for “fixing” it.)
Sounds like it would make a great Disney movie!
Sell the idea, make a million dollars, and spend all your days writing!
(Now THERE’S a dream!)
Ha! I’m all in.
LOL Your dream sounds like the ones hubby has! I loved it. In light of all that is happening to so many (and around the world, laughter must be an emerging theme. I just wrote on giggling/laughter. Love it when God does that. Still praying for you guys! 😀
Thanks so much, Lynn. It’s a long drawn-out process, I’m afraid, until the insurance decides what they are willing to do–and then what we choose to do. Laughter is so healing.
Aw, so poetic. Bravo.
Thanks, Lux! 🙂
Love the images, both playful and startling, you wove into this dream poem. Excellent, Sandy!
It was fun, Martha. I’m going to take L.L. up on trying a series. 🙂