We are stretched thin–to the point of translucence. Hold me up to the light, and I will disappear. All you will see are the things I do. I need more Sabbath keeping than moments snatched here and there. Those short patches of peace have begun to feel like stealing time.
So, I let the Sabbath moments graduate into longer breadths of time. Once a week, I schedule a regular playdate with God. It is a deliberate time of slowing down, a time to focus on the One I love. When I schedule the time, the moments are not rushed. Rather, they advance slowly as I tune my senses to every detail. Even the way I breathe changes.
The playdates I keep have become my antidote to the frenzy of time stretching.
~Laura J. Boggess in Playdates with God
P.S. Playdates is in much demand, and Amazon may be sold out for now. If so, check out Hearts & Minds. Byron might be able to help you quick-like.
Things are rather still around these parts this month, friends. For those who don’t know, my daughter had knee surgery last week and will be nonweightbearing on that leg for 6-8 weeks. The challenge is that the other knee has its own issues, and to bear weight on that one alone is difficult. She has many friends who have been coming in to keep her company and help her get up or change positions, but I have also been going over to do laundry, clean up, take food, etc. So words have taken a back burner for a short season. We covet your prayers for her quick recovery. Thanks so much… with love.
In the stillness,
Welcome to the Still Saturday Community where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and reflect on the depth of sparse words. We’d love for you to join us. Grab the button and link up below. We all love to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to be still together, to gaze long and drink deep.
Oh, Sandy. You have my prayers, dear heart. I’m praying some still moments for you. A gentle playdate. Your photos are so gorgeous! We are not quite at peak here but close. Looking at your fall foliage is a playdate for my heart. I love you.
My husband was also gone for over a week. I’ve been pretty exhausted. I knew I would be. That’s why I haven’t joined 31 days. 🙂
I had a small playdate right there in my daughter’s driveway, and those few moments with my camera on a super foggy day were so refreshing.
I love you more.
p.s. you comment about my voice slowing you down tickled me today. did you happen to read my brief post this morning or was that just God’s sense of humor?
That is so funny. I had not read it before I posted it. I stand by my words.
Oh, Sandy, knee surgery. Wow. My husband’s was two years ago and I remember those days well. May God strengthen you and bring healing quickly to Abby.
I woke up this morning feeling pulled and thin and the words ‘in between’ came to mind. I prayed, “Jesus, help me find you in the ‘in between’ because that’s all I have right now…..”
May He do the same for you.
(and yes, your photos are just lovely.)
Yes. She will be 30 in February, but her knees are pretty shot with arthritis. She will need replacements, but they can’t do total ones until she’s 40.
I’ve been kind of out of pocket this month, and I know it’s just a season. I’m claiming those “in between” words, too.
Oh, Sandy, I am so very sorry about your daughter. That just sounds so very painful, and I greatly relate. I had foot surgery a number of years ago, and the recovery was long. It’s hard to be inactive and also to “bear weight” to walk when you have sustained injury and surgery. Praying for your precious girl, and for you, too, as you become her “lean-to” from God. I have no earthly idea why, but the musical term “appoggiatura,” just came to mind in thinking of your dear daughter and her current need for healing. The Italian verb “appoggiare” means to lean upon. The appoggiatura is important melodically because it “suspends the principal note, and is often a grace note prefixed to a principal note.” They’re usually on the strongest beat of the resolution approached “by a leap and left by step.” May you, through the Lord, be your dauther’s appoggiatura, as she leans on you (and obviously the Lord) for the very steps she takes to recovery. May your sweet spirit encompass her through this tough time, extending God’s grace to her and giving her a new song to sing, and a way to make a joyful melody to God in the midst of discord. May her situation be “resolved” completely, knowing that the Lord, her ultimate Lean-to, will never fail her. He never stumbles.
And Laura! Dear Laura! What a beautiful quotation from your lovely book. I’ve not read it yet (and will certainly look forward to it), so I’m not completely sure of your context for the concept of transulence. But I do believe that as we “diasppear,” as we become transparent before Him, more and more and more of Jesus’ pure light can shine through us. I see Him shining through you and every word you write…….and Sandy, too!
I admire both so much.
Oh my word, Lynn! I’ve never hear the term “appoggiatura.” I’m reading and re-reading your words, and I’ll be meditating on them this weekend. What a gift you’ve shared with me. What a gift you are! Much love to you.
You are very sweet, Sandy, and have become such a gift to me. As I’ve told you, I’d seen you from afar at JT. Now the next time I have an instinct, I’ll go w/ it, and introduce myself personally. I’m waiting for that hug!
I’m holding it for you. 🙂
Hel-lo Sandra! It’s been a long while since I’ve commented, but I am so glad I tuned in today. Your photos are so beautiful! Here where I am, our colours have been stunning, but we’re losing a lot of leaves to the ground already. Autumn seems the shortest season up here in Ontario, Canada–doesn’t last nearly long enough.
I’m sorry to hear that your daughter is going through the old knee-surgery thing. You have struck fear in my heart–my husband, bless his heart, has two VERY bad knees. (He likes to steal the line of Indiana Jones in the first movie: “It’s not the years, honey, it’s the MILES!”) He has put in a lot of mileage in his 59 years! He’s been told he’ll need BOTH knees ‘done’ within the next 5 years. Need I say that he’s putting it off as long as possible? He has lived with the pain for some 20 years already. I don’t know how he stands it.
I am praying for your daughter’s healing, that it be quick and thorough, even as she must face having the other knee done as well. You must let me know how she’s coming along. I’m building my case for D. to have his done.
AND, for you, Sandra, as you help in so many ways as she recovers. Bless you, Mom.
Jillie, I’m so sorry to read of Dave’s pain and distress. I can’t imagine this kind of sugery, but may it encourage you both to know that everyone I’ve known to have it done (and they hated it at the time), is painfree and walking, even running!, very well. Generally, their counsel was sooner than later is better. I know that had I had my foot surgery far sooner, I would not have encountered all the probs I did. Will pray for Dave as I take my prayerwalk today.
It’s so good to see you today, Jillie.
Abby’s been told she’d need new knees by the time she was 30. But the current medical thinking is that one can only have two total replacements in a lifetime. Her doctor was going to a conference on partial replacements where some research is showing they might have a longer life expectancy and hold her longer than five years. We’ll see how that goes.
She’s had knee surgery in the past–on the other knee from a soccer injury in 5th grade. And a year ago July she tore the PCL. The doctors think repair is too risky. I also have had surgery on my knee due to a completely torn ACL, so I know a little of what it’s like to recover and rehab.
Praying for your hubby, Jillie. I’ll pray for your husband–that he’ll put on his brave if that’s what his doctor recommends. I don’t know of anyone who has regretted their decision. One friend had both knees replaced and now skis out west. 🙂
Hi Jillie – I had both knees replaced last year (one in October and the other December), and like Sandra’s Abby, I was too young to have them replaced earlier, but I couldn’t be happier about finally having it done. I won’t lie – it’s brutal surgery and the rehab is even tougher – but I LOVE my new knees. I still have pain and swelling in my knees because I have RA, but NOTHING like what I had before. I would encourage your husband to go ahead and get the surgery behind him. I wish I had not waited as long as I did. Blessings, Patricia.
Thanks for jumping in with some more encouragement for Jillie’s husband. 🙂
Prayers for your daughter, Sandy, and for you! May you still find time to enjoy a play-date with God.
Thanks so much, Martha. It’s easy to put off those playdates until we think we have time. Truth is, we need to *make* time.
I had to have no weight bearing on a broken leg for three months a few years back, so I know how hard this is! Praying for you and your daughter, Sandy! May the fall colors sing His Peace covering over you as they are for me right now!
The colors this year really are singing, Pam. That no weight-bearing thing is the pits. I’ve been there, too. But three months… that’s a long time! So grateful for your prayers.
Oh…Praying God gives Abby a quick and speedy recovery…and you’re able to find rest for a play date with God this weekend…May God encourage your heart…you’re such a dear…((hugs))
Love to you, dear Dolly.
I love the autumn photos you captured with the fog. Beautiful. I just received Laura’s book and can’t wait to start it!
Hi, Elizabeth. Reading Laura’s words are a playdate in themselves. 🙂
Prayers for a rapid recovery for your daughter! Oh, it must be so hard to be incapacitated like she is right now. Luckily, I think she’s got a pretty terrific mom/nurse!! A real specialist in TLC!
I’m also going to pray that the two of you have some special moments together as the pace slows down a bit. May God be right in the midst of you both!
Can I come right through this screen and give you a hug, Sharon?
Stunning photos, my friend. I know that you must be totally exhausted. I pray that you receive restorative rest this weekend – body and soul. I’m praying for Abby and her healing. It’s so hard to be bedridden and dependent on others. Love you big. xox
Thanks, Patricia. You of all people know what she’s going through. Love you bigger. xox
I’ve been contemplating similar things about simply knowing Him, though I never thought of it as a playdate. But it works! 🙂 Praying for you and your daughter as well. May the healing that flows in Jesus’ blood restore perfectly and may the comfort of His presence be with you all! Thanks Sandra.
Well, we’re supposed to come as children, right? So a playdate fits perfectly. 😉
I’m always so grateful for your presence here and your words, Jason. And thank you for your prayers.
What a beautiful refreshing reminder of making time to play with God even when our days are full of more than we anticipated. Praying for you and for your daughter. May God strengthen and continue to refresh you and bring healing and wholeness to her.
Praying for your daughter! Thanks for the gorgeous photos and quote & for hosting, & God bless!
Sandra, I know how hard it is to see your children in any type of pain, injury, or illness. Then to have to continue the daily duties on top of it can be challenging and exhausting. Please know that your family is in our prayers. Thank you for sharing beautiful words, pictures, and the link-up with us today. Blessings.
I just received her book in the mail! Playdates just slow everything down – and like a zoom lense help me focus on Him! Praying you find your playdates in the extra you’re doing and that your daughter enjoy the playdate opportunity!
Sandra, Earlier this morning I picked up my copy of Playdates & just let the words of the Laura’s last chapter fill my heart & mind. But it was the very sentence you put with your photo that I went back to & thought on for some time. Thank you for driving the nail home 🙂
As a mom, whose daughter just had a second elbow & nerve surgery, recovery can be so hard on both them & us. Praying for Abby’s knee to heal speedily. Also praying that our God would give you sustained energy to meet the demands of the days. Blessings!
Sandy, thank you for splashing Laura’s amazing words across your space. Together with your beautiful photos, it’s such a gift! I’m honored to pray for you and your girl.
Praying for healing for your daughter, Sandy, and for extra strength and patience for you! Thanks for sharing Laura’s words today, and for the tip about her book. I’m planning to get the Kindle version for myself, but have other copies planned for Christmas 🙂 hope they are back in stock soon. So glad to hear it is doing so well! Blessings.