Lord, make me childlike.
Deliver me from the urge to compete with another
for place or prestige or position.
I would be simple and artless as a little child.
Deliver me from pose and pretense.
Forgive me for thinking of myself.
Help me to forget myself and
find my true peace in beholding Thee.
That Thou mayest answer this prayer
I humble myself before Thee.
Lay upon me Thy easy yoke
of self-forgetfulness
that through it I may find rest.
~A.W Tozer in The Pursuit of God
In the stillness,
Welcome to the Still Saturday Community where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and reflect on the depth of sparse words. We’d love for you to join us. Grab the button and link up below. We all love to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to be still together, to gaze long and drink deep.
Love the words from Tozer. Yes, there is release from pose and pretense when we let our hearts love Jesus like children. With total trust, total reliance, a sense of awe at His goodness, and a desire to be next to Him always.
It’s so simple, really. Why do we make life so complicated? Growing up is not for grownups. 😉
Amen and amen.
I love A.W. Tozer.
God Bless and have a great weekend.
~ Cassandra
I’ll triple that. And I hope you have a triple-blessed weekend, Cassandra.
I love that passage from Tozer.
I’m hard pressed to find any passage from Tozer than I don’t love. 🙂
Hi Sandra, I am so happy to have found your site. I have linked up a couple of recent photos and a post and look forward to visiting in the future. I love God’s Word!
Wishing you God’s best,
This is so perfect, Sandra. “Lay upon me Thy easy yoke of self-forgetfulness that through it I may find rest.” Amen!!!! What a beautiful image that inspires. Exactly what I need right now. Love you big, my beautiful friend. May we all walk through it wearing that easy yoke and find rest. xox
I needed it, too, Patricia. Love you bigger. 🙂
Oh my! Finding the need to copy this and put it front and center where I can see it regularly. Thank you for sharing…
Thinking that’s a good idea for me to do, too, Caryn. 🙂
Such beautiful photos to accompany this prayer from Tozer! Thanks for sharing them.
Thanks, Carol. You know, of course, Tozer’s words were originally all in one paragraph. I poetized it so it would soak into me deeper. 🙂
“Lay upon me Thy easy yoke
of self-forgetfulness
that through it I may find rest.”
God spoke to me this morning through these words. Thank you, Sandy. Big love to you.
A good prayer. And a good reminder to re-read Tozer! Blessings.
May we have childlike faith to be still in His presence! Thanks for the lovely post & for hosting & God bless!
Dear Sandra,
I find it beautiful that we both quoted Mr. Tozer today. I love reading his thoughts and your post made me smile with the depth of familiarity that reading them brings. Thanks for sharing. What lovely photos of innocence and joy. Precious!
Loved reading the quote. Powerful words>>> “Lay upon me Thy easy yoke of self-forgetfulness that through it I may find rest.” It’s in the forgetting of ourselves, we find true rest in Him. It may just be time to pull out this book and read it again! May you have a blessed Sunday!
I love this! The precious little one just makes me smile and words that my heart needed to hear. Thank you!! Many Blessings!!
Hi, I just rediscovered or discovered you link up. I have visited so many. I am also not a good record keeper. I plan to add your button next week. I loved the poem and beautiful picture of the little girl. I so agree with the spirit of the prayer.
What a beautiful prayer. Thank you for sharing that and for the link-up, Sandra.