I love it when you capture the sun’s rays in the photos. What a great visual of His glory reaching towards us and capturing us in the stillness of His beauty.
Bless you!
Lynn D. Morrisseysays
I’m thinking with a name like Dawn you must truly love sunrise! =]
I love it when you capture the sun’s rays in the photos. What a great visual of His glory reaching towards us and capturing us in the stillness of His beauty.
Bless you!
I’m thinking with a name like Dawn you must truly love sunrise! =]
😀 😀
Rays of glory that raise up hope. I love the stillness of the morning when we can drink in strength for the day.
And I agree with Lynn. 🙂
Bless you back.
Following a shaft of light through the trees.You’ve captured it Sandra. So beautiful.
I’d like to think the light within us would shed rays like this everywhere. 🙂
Beau-ti-ful! Love the images!
You. You are beau-ti-ful.
LOVE THIS!!!! The photos and the Words and how it fit together. Thank you so much, Sandy. You were a treat again!
You are such a faithful part of this little community, Joanne. Thanks so much for being such an encouragement.