“If God is present at every point in space, if we cannot go where He is not, cannot even conceive of a place where He is not, why then has not that Presence become the one universally celebrated fact of the world? The patriarch Jacob, ‘in the waste howling wilderness,’ gave the answer to that question. He saw a vision of God and cried out in wonder, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not.’ Jacob had never been for one small division of a moment outside the circle of that all-pervading Presence. But he knew it not. That was his trouble, and it is ours. Men do not know that God is here. What a difference it would make if they knew.”
“O God and Father, I repent of my sinful preoccupation with visible things. The world has been too much with me. Thou has been here and I knew it not. I have been blind to Thy Presence. Open my eyes that I may behold Thee in and around me. For Christ’s sake. Amen.”
~A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God
In the stillness,
Welcome to the Still Saturday Community where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and reflect on the depth of sparse words. We’d love for you to join us. Grab the button and link up below. We all love to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to be still together, to gaze long and drink deep.
What a beautiful post, and how it has encouraged me tonight. So often I let my vision become distracted, and I lose sight of the presence of the Lord in everything. Oh, to know Him more fully and intimately!
Agreeing with you, Sharon. It’s so easy to lose focus.
Amen to that!!! And that we have “All Access Passes” to His ear. And I love Tozer. He’s been a frequent companion on my journey with Christ. Much love to you, dear beautiful Sandra.
Sending love to you, dear Pat. “All Access Passes.” Love it. 🙂
I love Tozer’s “Pursuit Of God”. That book changed my life. So thankful for you, my friend. XO
Thankful for you, too. And excited about getting to spend so much time together soon.
Exquisite winged creature and a quote that pierced straight to the heart. Saturdays are brightened by your posts and the community of writers that gather here. May your stillness reveal the treasures of PRESENCE today.
Oh, Lisa. What precious words. Thank you.
I’d never seen such beauty in a starling before. I had to look it up to make sure I was right.
Surely…such a strong and reassuring word to ponder for me this morning. Mr. Tozer always blesses me so.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
It’s Sunday, and I’m still pondering it. 🙂
You are so right. We don’t know He is a watching God. We don’t know His presence is as real as the breath we breathe. We don’t know what we don’t know until we stand still. Tozer is my hero. Love the man – love the way God used Him, but especially love the way He introduced God in all the fulness of His attributes. Blessings to you ~ Chris
As real (and as close) as every breath. Thank you for your words today, Chris.
Thank you for the beautiful reminder today that if we spent more time focusing on His presence, we would see life differently. Thanks for the linkup.
Oh, so true. I’ve had to wear glasses more often lately because I haven’t been able to tolerate my contacts. My husband laughs at me because I clean them about 50 times a day. I can’t stand the slightest smudge. Reminds me how we need to keep our spiritual lenses clean to see clearly.
I always find it easy to pause here. Such stillness and peace when I visit. Thank you for sharing such sweet wisdom here…and for the link-up!
Thanks so much, friend. Your words are stillness and peace to me.
Thank you for this gentle reminder of God’s loving omnipresence … He is with me all the time – why should I worry or be afraid?!
Blessings to your Sunday,
Fear and worry come so easily. We need the reminder of His constance presence–constantly. 🙂
Bless you, friend.
I have been thinking on that verse a lot lately. And so, was amazed to see it this morning in your post. But then, that is so like our God. Coming to realize, more & more, He is in THIS moment. Now. Presently. Grateful for your words!
Crazy how that happens. But then He’s a crazy amazing God. 🙂