“The theology of progress forces us to act before we are ready. We speak before we know what to say. We respond before we feel the truth of what we know. In the process, we inadvertently create suffering, heaping imprecision upon inaccuracy, until we are all buried under a mountain of misperception. But Sabbath says, Be still. Stop. There is no rush to get to the end, because we are never finished. Take time to rest, and eat, and drink, and be refreshed. And in the gentle rhythm of that refreshment, listen to the sound the heart makes as it speaks the quiet truth of what is needed.”
~Wayne Muller, Sabbath: Restoring the Sacred Rhythm of Rest
In the stillness,
Welcome to the Still Saturday Community where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and reflect on the depth of sparse words. We’d love for you to join us. Grab the button and link up below. We all love to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to be still together, to gaze long and drink deep.
When we’re kids we’re in a hurry to grow up. When we’re older, we want to hurry past our shortcomings and be finished. Can’t do it. There’s a process and He is Lord of the process. Great reminder, Sandra. Thank you.
Oh, how the days dragged when we were kids. Now I wish time would just slow down. 🙂
I wish I had understand the act of rest when I was much younger. I do not need to act before I am ready – that is life changing for me! It releases me from so much pressure!
Blessings to you Sandra!
Me, too! I wish I’d learned to be present in and record more of the moments.
no rush
just hush
Good one, Karin! 🙂
How I needed this today. Gazing, drinking, breathing. Thank you, Sandra.
Love to you, Sheila.
Thank you Sandra for this simple but so deep truth .. We’re never finished! Therefore, no need to rush.
Shocking, isn’t it? Slowing into the week with you. 😉
Great point — we are truly a work in progress, and the journey matters as much as the destination. Thanks for hosting & God bless!
If only we could learn to slow down enjoy the journey and not let the scenery speed by. Thanks for your faithful presence here, Laurie. Grateful for you.