When he [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon,
“Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”
~ Luke 5:4 (NIV)
“Wade where Jesus is still creating you. Choose creative whitespace.”
~Bonnie Gray
critical voices
beached boats, empty nets, dead dreams
fish deeper water
it’s never too late to create
Inspired by chapter 13, “The Hallway.”
Leaving some whitespace here this month as I rest with Bonnie.
I’m reading and writing on a chapter a day.
In the stillness,
This post is part of the “Finding Spiritual Whitespace Blog Tour” which I am a part of, along with a group of soulful, journeying kindreds. To learn more and join us, click here.
With Lisha
Always good to “see” you and hear what and how you are filling it full of significant sharing. Thanks.