“O may my soul, uncrushed by care,
Direct her gaze to where Thou art;
And in the splendor find, O Christ,
The strength of life, Thou canst impart.”
~adapted from the poetry of Synesius (Greek, AD 375-430)
At the Still Point, compiled by Sarah Arthur
Stilled and uncrushed,
Welcome to Still Saturday where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and words. We’d love for you to join us. Get the details on the left, grab your favorite button, and link up below. We all love to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to gaze long and drink deep.
Thanks for re-directing my gaze tonight, Sandy…. Beautiful 🙂
“Uncrushed by care” – what a comforting thought.
Have a beautiful weekend, sweet friend. xox
I feel such peace reading this–blessings on your weekend, Sandy. XO
Beautiful…Thanks for hosting & God bless.
stilled here by your feathered friends
Uncrushed. Yes. Much love to you, Sandy. Thank you for these words, these images, this space.
The first little bird looks so cold, all fluffed up – and the second one looks like he’s scowling at the cold – but then that would be like a bluejay:) Your invitation to stillness always refreshes! Thank you for pointing the way~
I’m so glad you reminded me about the Still Point. I wanted to re-visit it this year because I love it and forgot. Thank you.
Love the linking of uncrushed and lightness with the beautiful birds. Wonderful image! Thanks Sandra.
The balance of it all. Soothes and heals. And I want to pet the birdies.
Sometimes I do wish there was a really big like button on blogs… this would receive a triple like.