Remember that poetry dare issued by Tweetspeak Poetry I mentioned earlier this month? Well, it’s begun . .
“We’d like you to read not just a poem a day but a poem from one particular poet a day. (That is, the same poet every day.) And that poet, for reasons we have yet to discover, is T.S. Eliot.”
I narrowed my eyes at the email. For reasons we have yet to discover . . . I smell a fish.Or maybe a peach. I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact they carry the same initials?
“We think Tania Runyan’s new How to Read a Poem will be a great companion for you along the way, and we’ll send you a copy for your good-natured willingness to go along with the fun little things we dream up at Tweetspeak.”
Fun? I like fun.
Read a poem a day from T.S. Eliot, the Tweetspeak editor wrote (I’m paraphrasing now) and then write about the experience in whatever way unfolds naturally for you.
“So. What do you think? Double-dog dare you.”
I narrowed my eyes at the email. For reasons we have yet to discover . . .
Continued today over at Tweetspeak Poetry. Pretty please come visit and read the rest of this. There’s tea and marmalade and cheese, and I need cheerleaders.
Still reading,