“Our age has its own cherished myths, and one of the most hypnotic is the myth of balance. I hear it everywhere, from old and young, city dwellers and country folk, carpenters and lawyers, students and homemakers. Everyone seeks balance. Everyone longs for that magical combining of rest and play and work that, once found, will make life simple, elegant, easy: balanced. Where is the perfect middle, they ask, the right proportion of duty and freedom, church and job, neighbors and family, time for others and time for me?
“There is none. It is no more to be found than unicorns or perfect churches.
“There are only seasons, seasons for everything, and seasons are inherently unbalanced.
“The watchword for seasons isn’t balance. It’s rhythm . . .
“We crave balance but need rhythm.” ~Mark Buchanan in Spiritual Rhythm: Being with Jesus Every Season of Your Soul
How is your life unbalanced today? Do you instead have a sense of rhythm?
Still seeking rhythm,
Welcome to Still Saturday where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and words. We’d love for you to join us. Get the details on the left, grab your favorite button, and link up below. We all love to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to gaze long and drink deep.
Love that book, its one of my favorites but I might say that about everything Mark Buchanan writes. I think I’m experiencing rhythm right now which is a good feeling. Have a wonderful Sabbath Sandy. Praying for you.
I could say that, too. I love all his writing. Praying for you, too, Shelly. Miss you.
A good thought and great images.
I’m soaking in these words, too, Susan.
Oh, yes!! That’s it exactly!
There is not balance without it – and I can only find it in Him:) Straight to the heart wisdom Sandy! Thanks for sharing it! Wishing you blessing – and balance this weekend!
I’m pretty unbalanced right now–but I got rhythm. 😉
Dear Sandy
Balance is such a static words; it evens sounds boring. But rhythm is alive, fun-filled without being frivolous, daring and always seeking for the true balance of the universe which can ONLY be found in Jesus, our Beloved King. In Him we are truly alive, we truly love and we praise and adore the One of our affection from a pure heart.
Blessings XX
It’s like a dance…
Love to you, Mia.
I think this is exactly what I’ve been looking for — rhythm. I am so thankful I stopped by to read.
This idea, really… so freeing. I’m glad you came by, too, Barbie. Always good to “see” you. 🙂
OK…that helps! I like that. This helps me accept the lack of balance and embrace the natural rhythm of life.
Accepting and embracing, yes.
Wow Sandy this post and quote really hit me right in the heart. this is one I need to ponder and journal about. I see God telling me to pay attention to this today. will get that book too. Thank you so much for sharing this!!
I love when that happens. I’ve been thinking today about the difference between being centered and balanced. About feet planted solid, but tilting and leaning–like the earth? So we can be centered and still unbalanced? Moving in rhythm, like a dance. Do journal, Jean. And then write about it for us. 🙂
Pretty sure I NEED that book. Thanks for sharing this, Sandy. XO
I know you’d love it, Kris. xo
I love Mark Buchanan, but I’ve never read that book. How true! I need rhythm for this season.
I do love this book–and the whole idea of being–just being, in each season. Happy weekend, Ginger.
I’ve always thought a life of faith is a strange sort of out-of-balance balance. Happy Saturday, friend.
I had surrendered the rhythm and then …stormy and unpredictable days, one after another. Waiting…
I am done with balance unless I am doing yoga.
Rhythm vs. balance – sounds much more do-able. Love the thought of this, a sense of creating music or poetry rather than walking a tightrope (and usually falling off…). Thank you!
Balance is so elusive with scales so easily tipping. Rhythm allows welcome change in seasons. I have loved rethinking this over the last few years.
Goodness. I need to think about this. Wowza.
Thank you, dear Sandy.
I must read this book….
One of my favorite books & authors! May we learn to embrace each season so that we keep rhythm with Him. Sometimes easier said than done but doable as He gives us what we need.
Have a blessed Sunday,
I have been craving balance… and it has alluded me of course!! I am really needing rhythm right now! And more than just the rhythm of my over-active schedule pounding in my head!! I am so very glad I stopped by!!
Blessings, Sandra! I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you through your blog posts – visiting from Janis Cox’s site and think your link-in on Still Saturday is a great fit for my devotional writing style. One of my life verses is “Be still and know that I am God” – can’t get through a day without forcibly declaring it to my soul. I’ve recently turned a corner in my writing and blogging and want to connect more with other kindreds as we shine for our Jesus and bring Him glory through our words and images. I’m looking forward to knowing you better.
That’s another book I’d love to read! It’s so true and yet not so easy finding the balance and rhythm … You inspire each time, Sandy!
There is no standing still in life — just moving forward or falling back. Thanks for the beautiful post & for hosting & God bless!
What a great post. I’m completely unbalanced and not sure I’m even in a rhythm these days, but I’m resting in Who I know holds my days. xxooxx