“The moment one gives close attention
to anything,
even a blade of grass,
it becomes a
indescribably magnificent
world in itself.”
~Henry Miller
If I had sped past and not given attention, I would have missed what I believe are great egrets at the edge of Lake Abby yesterday. The photos aren’t great, though, because I was shooting through swaying cattails. I’ve never seen these birds around here before. And as we traveled north today, we saw several in a large pond and salting the trees.
Stilled and astonished,
Welcome to Still Saturday where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and words. We’d love for you to join us. Get the details on the left, grab your favorite button, and link up below. We all love to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to gaze long and drink deep.
Joanne Norton says
For some strange [VERY strange] reason, I keep forgetting to comment on your posts when we are piling ourselves into your life. However, I ALWAYS love your photos and your Word and word choices. So, if I don’t say anything, just know that it’s cuz I get side-tracked, NOT b/c I don’t think you are significantly gifted and wonderful. And LOVED this present one. Bless you and yours…
Sandra Heska King says
But, Joanne, that’s part of what makes Saturday still. There’s no obligation to comment. Just soak. And I love that you all “pile” yourselves into my life. Love it.
Carol J. Garvin says
What a wonderful discovery! Astonishing, for sure! God sometimes drops such precious pebbles of beauty into the pond of our daily routine. I’m glad you caught these photos to share. Have a blessed Saturday, Sandy.
Sandra Heska King says
I love this little pond. Grateful for what’s broken underground that allows our own personal marsh right in the middle of the soybeans.
Sheila Seiler Lagrand says
I’m so glad they came for you, Sandra.
Yes. Delighted. Thank you for this place.
Sandra Heska King says
I’m so glad I was moving slow enough to see.
Jean Wise says
I love that quote too beside enjoying the peace of your photos. And your greeting at the end: Stilled and Astonished. Perfect!
Sandra Heska King says
“Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” ~Mary Oliver
Kris says
This is truly a peaceful, and still space this weekend. Love those water birds and that grassy bank. And Henry’s words? Perfect. ((Hugs))
Sandra Heska King says
Hugs right back to you, my friend. Beautiful weekend to you.
Karrie says
I am so glad I stumbled upon you! I love these photos…..and the idea of still Saturday. I look forward to coming back 🙂
Sandra Heska King says
Oh, I’m so glad you’re here, Karrie. Welcome.
Michelle DeRusha says
That Henry is really onto to something!
Wishing you a joyful and refreshing weekend, Sandy.
Sandra Heska King says
I think I would have liked Henry. 🙂
We’re attending a pow-wow this weekend where our Lillee will be dancing–our first time to see her.
bluecottonmemory says
Beautiful photo – the reflection in the water gives it a mythical look. Since I started counting the gifts He gives me in the day, I have learned to stop in the midst of the galloping schedule, still myself – and look. There is always a gift in that moment from Him:) Thank you for letting me stop here – for the blessing!
~ linda says
Such welcome and beautiful visitors to your world. I would have to agree that they are Great White Egrets. We have them down here in South Texas and love their majestic stillness as they hunt and watch. And to have those moments to see them when you least expect!!
May this day be filled with stillness.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
HisFireFly says
what beauty
what perfect moments
what a still heart can see
Kathy says
Egrets are such majestic, stately birds. Their grandeur reminds me that God the creator wants us to reverence life and enjoy His creation. Your photos stimulate my spirit to worship the Lord who made such wonderful birds and animals.
Maria @ Bloom says
It is amazing how one can be enveloped in that wondrous feeling when we stop and really pay attention. Those are the moments when I think I most treasure Creation. Thank you for hosting.
Barbie says
Love the quote, and the pictures! Blessings!
June says
Birds of any kind amaze me. These are wonderful – what a blessing! Thank you for sharing!
Laurie Collett says
God’s creation sings, if only we listen! Thanks for hosting & God bless!
Shelly Miller says
I love egrets. We have tons around here. They are gawky and majestic all at the same time. Hope you have a wonderful Sabbath Sandy, it’s nice to be back here with this community.
Janis Cox says
Oh Sandra,
We saw herons this week on our river going into the lake. I took some shots with my camera but haven’t put them on the computer yet. I want to go out tomorrow and take some closeups with my new camera. I am so excited as it takes really close up shots.
These are lovely.
I love cranes, herons, egrets.
Janis http://www.janiscox.com
Nina says
Those cattails are just beautiful – the form of their head, the long neck … I have never seen one “in real life”! Admiring the beautiful nature and God’s creation makes one stand in awe!
Blessings to your week, Sandra!
Beth says
What a beautiful discovery! Your photos are WONDERFUL!. Thank you for your weekly reminder to pause and be still. So grateful for you.
Kel Rohlf says
Sandra- I loved the succession of photos and how by being still in your space…I got to notice the beauty of creation…I liked the effect of the cattails in the foreground. Thank you for the reminder to pay attention…the more I engage in writing, photography and art…the more I have been noticing…it’s like an awakening to details…I love God’s details!
Lyli @ 3-D Lessons for Life says
Beautiful, Sandy! One of the blessings of getting married 4 years ago is that I now live in a house that has a lake behind it. We get ducks, geese, and egrets in our back yard all the time. Such fun! I need to sit out there more often… your post almost persuaded me to do it today, but the Florida heat and humidity was so hot that I just stared out the window instead. 🙂
Donna McMorrow says
Beautiful pictures. So glad you took your moment to be still.