This ordinary time is
gifted in its quiet, marked passing
Christ slips about
calling and baptizing
sending and affirming
pouring his Spirit like water
intro broken cisterns,
sealing cracks and filtering our senses,
that we may savor the foolish
simplicity of his grace.
~Enuma Okoro from “Passing Ordinary Time” in At the Still Point
Stilled by the foolish simplicity,
Welcome to Still Saturday where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and words. We’d love for you to join us. Get the details on the left, grab your favorite button, and link up below. We all love to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to gaze long and drink deep.
Such a gift, this sealing of the broken cisterns, now brimming. Thank you, Sandy, for these words and picture, and for your faithfulness every Saturday in hosting us.
I agree with Sheila, these words, and you, dear one, are a gift to us all!
Beautiful, Sandy. I have missed this community on my blogging break.
Beautiful! I am so thankful for His lavish grace….
Have I mentioned how much I enjoy starting my weekends with you, Miss Sandy? 🙂
Dear Sandy
This simplicity was that made it sooooo complex for the wise and foolish for the religious. In the world’s eyes, the highly educated and religious performers are the important ones.
Much love
Awed by His grace, over and over it spills. Amazing.
Thank you for hosting us Sandra, visiting around the stillness of the weekend blogs is always a place of refreshment on the weekend for me.
I’ve missed you now that we aren’t doing a book club reading, although I do see you often, but it was fun having the book club. Have a blessed, still weekend.
Gayle from Behind the Gate
One beautiful still Saturday . . . Thank you, Sandy.
What a beautiful poem! Thanks for hosting, and may God’s peace bless you through the week.
I’m going to stand with you, soaking in the simplicity of His foolish grace.
Just beautiful, Sandra! What a contrast from my picture this week. 🙂 Thank you for sharing the grace on your life!
Oh, I like that – “pouring His spirit like water into broken cisterns” – so speaks to my heart! Wishing you blessing this week, that His spirit would overflow:)
The foolish simplicity of His grace … It is a beautiful simpilicity … needs to grasped with childlike – faith – as receiving a gift … Your post is written in a way that I’m going to find the book “Passing Ordinary Time” – Your blog is an oasis of Peace and Inspiration!
We have this treasure in earthen vessels so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not of ourselves.
(2 Cor 4:7)
Thank you so much for your advice on Google Plus reading. Since you are such a long-time blogging friend, could you help me by voting in the poll in my side bar? I really want your opinion. Thank you so very much!