The letters, they come every Christmas, faithful as the sunrise, shedding light on their lives. We’ve known each other for over 40 years when we worked together, and she encouraged the cute “detail man” to ask me out. I say “told.” He says “suggested.” She says “encouraged.”
We visited them in Fort Rucker and then in Colorado. They visited us in Florida, held my daughter when she was but days old. And they’ve been here once–went to our son’s T-ball game. We went to their younger daughter’s wedding.
But even though they sometimes come to Michigan, their trips are hectic, and we haven’t seen them in years. And I can’t remember the last time I wrote a Christmas letter. Or any letter. I’m sure Susan wondered if her matchmaking skills had crumbled.
I’ve regretted that.
I regret the lost years.
This year she wrote about visiting her brother-in-law Fritz Rottman (who’s quite ill–will you pray?) and his wife Carol here in Michigan over Thanksgiving. I stared long at that paragraph, and then ran upstairs to find the book.
I’d first found it in the library almost three years ago but had to buy my own copy. Writers in the Spirit seeps encouragement and inspiration for writers. I wrote about it–well, mostly I quoted from it–back then. Her publisher saw the post and commented that she’d have this new book coming out later that month. I friended her on Facebook so I could keep up with the news. I wanted that new book. But except for a “like” here and there and maybe a brief comment, we didn’t really connect, and I forgot about the book.
How could I have missed it?
I should have known. Could have known.
On her website she mentions her parents (I know those names) and she talks about an old clapboard house in Marble, Colorado. I’ve been in that house!
For the last three years I’ve been connected with my matron-of-honor’s sister who lives an hour and a half away, is a writer, and a nature lover–a deep seer. Her husband–whom Susan often mentioned–is a photographer.
I never put any of it together.
I have so missed it.
And now, when I open Writers in the Spirit, I see the dedication to her mother.
I. Missed. It.
All Nature Sings came last week. I managed to get a new copy, autographed even. I’ve thumbed through it, and it’s gorgeous.
I emailed Carol. And she emailed her sister. And then her sister emailed me. And then I emailed her sister.
We’re connected again.
I’m overwhelmed at God’s timing and plan and with the treasure I hold in my hand.
And encouraged.
I wonder what He’s going to do with all this now.
In the stillness (though I’m more giddy over all of this than still),
Linking with Jen and the sisters as we celebrate sisterhood.
And with Emily as we explore encouragement.
Patricia (Pollywog Creek) says
LOVE when that happens…God’s fingerprints are all over this, Sandy. Love it! But you already know that. =)
Sandra says
I know, right! Coming full circle. I still can’t believe how dense I am.
Kati Woronka says
Wow, this must have been so exciting, to see the connection to re-connect… you missed it but hopefully now you are back there enjoying it!
Sandra says
Good to meet you, Kati. Yes, this has brought all kinds of God scenes to mind–and dreams of more…
Martha Orlando says
What a marvelous thing God has done here! So glad you are back in touch with friends who have meant so much to you, Sandy.
Sandra says
Trusting that timing is everything, Martha! I’m still stunned. 🙂
Lynn Mosher says
Wow! So cool! So glad the Lord linked you two back together! Beautiful words as always!
Sandra says
I still remember those early days. They still amaze me. God’s done great things before. He’s been doing some pretty amazing things lately.
Kathy says
God’s timing is always right. He knows when we need to re-connect with those in our past. Now that you have reconnected, it will be more precious to share with them about how faithful the Lord has been in your life. This promotes encouragement for all and I can see how God planned this reunion so He would be glorified.
Sandra says
He holds time, doesn’t He? And His ways are way higher. He knows our needs, and He’s faithful when we’re not. I’m in awe.
Nancy Franson says
Still getting used to your lovely new digs over here! And, the thought of you being giddy kinda makes me giddy my own self.
Aslan is, indeed, on the move!
Wait–is that the Frio I see in the background as I type? Ahhhhh!!!!
Sandra says
Yep, that’s the Frio. Pull up a rocker. 🙂
Shelly Miller says
Love the serendipity of this, the way God brings us together with people in His timing. And it is so very awesome that you have the Frio in your background. Dan did a great job here.
Alicia says
Oh, this post makes me think of a few of my own “drops” and makes me long to reconnect. So beautiful the way God is orchestrating a new chapter here with your friend. Enjoy!
emily wierenga says
i love the grace that brings us full-circle, friend. and i LOVE the new look of your blog. beautiful, and restful. bless you. xo
Diana Trautwein says
Lovely, lovely story. Through comments here and there, I have reconnected with the guy who asked me out on my very first date. Ever. Haven’t seen or heard from him in over 50 years. Such fun to find these folks – so glad you got to meet up!!
Sandra Heska King says
That’s so fun, Diana. I love how Facebook has allowed me to connect with grade and high and nursing school friends who I haven’t seen or talked to for years and years. I’ve reconnected with my first real boyfriend’s older sister… 🙂