Applause, everyone.
Bravo, bravissimo!
Shout God-songs at the top of your lungs!
GOD Most High is stunning, astride land and ocean.
~Psalm 47:1-2 (MSG)
As we move into this Advent season, I pray you are stunned by stillness, overwhelmed by Him.
daring to open doors
[…] Sandra Heska King: Stunned Children […]
Love this version of the verse! Thank you!
Indeed, a time for quiet and reflection . . .
Blessings, Sandy!
Such an adorable picture, great.
🙂 Yes. Amen. Excellent prayer.
Made me grin, Sandra. Although you might not have time to read my comment, b/c you are in Nashville (?) and getting ready to head to Haiti, I wouldn’t want to NOT tell you the photo made me smile.
You’ll have so many people praying for you and lifting you up to the Lord over these next days that I’m absolutely certain sure you will come back rejoicing with how our Father will have used and touched you.
Reading these comments now. 🙂
Darkness has fallen, and it will be an early bedtime tonight. We leave for the airport at 3:45 a.m. Feeling the strength of prayers.