What dream are you afraid to dream? What goal are you afraid to set?
If you’re feeling too old to dream, why don’t you pop over here and read about Margaret? She just got a college scholarship to the University of Michigan and drives her antique Roadster to classic car shows. Wait until you see how old she is!
And really, while you’re there, you should hang out a bit and read some of the other stories.
“At LaterBloomer.com, I give adult ‘late bloomers’ inspiration to pursue their passions through biographies, essays, book reviews, and more.” ~Debra Eve
Thanks so much for the shout out, Sandra! Margaret is a firecracker, isn’t she?
She’s an inspiration! I hope I’m as spry as she is *when* I reach her age.
Great quote…it’s been fun coming to grips with my age with you!
🙂 🙂
I’ve always said age is a relative thing… and I have a remarkable relative to prove it. My 89-year-old aunt constantly puts me to shame with her determination to accomplish her goals despite occasional setbacks due to health issues. She doesn’t have the mobility of your ‘Margaret’, but she still finds ways to put her skills to work. Yes, we’re never too old for God to make use of us if we allow him to.
My husband’s uncle retired when he was 89. Tried to at 75, but was bored. Then planned to at 80, but he was working on a new hybrid seed corn. Took the train when he could no longer drive. Died shortly after he retired. Guess he should have kept working…
Maybe our circumstances don’t allow us to *do* what we used to, but we can always *be.*