Morning, Jesus. Here I am. Are you still here? Of course, you are. Silly me. Would you like coffee or tea? Why are you looking at me like that? Oh, the dishtowel. Why am I wearing a red dishtowel on my head and this red top over my green nightie? Well, remember that guy in Colorado who said the hummingbirds came up to him while he was wearing his red shirt and they stuck their beaks in his ear? I thought I’d see if . . . pretty goofy, huh? By the way, how do those ants always find that feeder?
Oh look! See that butterfly? You do? How? You’re looking right at me? Oh, yeah. I forgot. You see everything. Anyway, I’ve been trying to capture him for a year. He never sits still long enough. Be right back.
Are you laughing at me? I know. No hummingbird is going to come by here if I’m jumping over there. If I don’t sit still. Hey, what’s wrong with that tree? Is it a spruce? I think it’s dying. I love sitting out here on the porch with you in the mornings. It’s beautiful today, isn’t it. Thank you. We could still use some rain, though.
You know Ann Voskamp? Of course you do. Did you see her post yesterday? Of course, you did. You helped write it. Anyway, I’ve been wondering the same thing. Why am I here? In this place. In this time? How come I didn’t live back in the 1700s or 1800s or even earlier? Why do I get to live in this house, enjoy this porch? How did you weave everyone’s way over the years to bring me here? I feel so petty sometimes fretting about stuff when so many don’t have stuff to fret about. They don’t even know where their next bite of food is coming from or when they’ll get hit again. It’s all so overwhelming. Makes my heart ache.
Let’s just hold hands and rock a bit, okay?
Well, I could sit out here with you all day, but I have stuff I’ve gotta do inside. You’ll wait for me, right? Wait, I have an idea. Why don’t you come with me, and we’ll do this stuff together.
Joining Lisa Jo today for what she calls a free write flash mob. Five minutes of unedited word spill on the same prompt. Today the word is here. How about slipping over to see how others hear it. Better yet, how about joining in and linking up. Set your timer for five minutes. Go!
(Of course, adding the photos takes a little longer.)
Linking also with Cheryl today.
And with Michelle
I love your photos and your questions. He is with us. All the time. Thanks so much for the window into your time with Him. I am blessed. May the fullness of His joy accompany you throughout your journey.
Thank you so much, Jennifer. He is with us. Yes. All the time. Yes.
Beautiful way of writing, Sandy! Visiting from Lisa-Jo’s place and I love how you created a prayer from the prompt. Gorgeous photos as well!
Blessed to have you stop by, Sarah. So nice to meet you.
This is precious. Such intimacy.
🙂 🙂
Isn’t it fun when those butterflies pause to pose a bit?! I think I identify with your words and thoughts.
They’ve been fluttering and settling around the butterfly bush a lot lately. Haven’t run from the camera. I tried all year last year to catch one of these on camera. There’s one whose little tail’s been injured. Or deformed.
You made me smile. Thanks for the fun and lovely post. 🙂
Smiling’s always a good thing, right?
You can wear red and the hummingbirds will peck in your ear? Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Especially the truth about being present, abiding, resting.
Oh, I so get your flit here and there life. That is me, to a tee. Or is it tea? Or t? I think I’ll have some coffee and chocolate now.
Hey, wanna play baseball? 🙂
The guy said they were so gentle, you never felt them. Next time, I’m going to just go stand by the feeder. I’d douse myself with sugar water, but maybe I’d only end up covered in ants.
I’ll play baseball!
I love imagining you in your red :). Have you ever heard that if you go outside when a tufted titmouse is around and make a “pishing” sound, that they will come over to you because they are curious? Yeah. You in your red shirt and me out back “pishing”. The neighbors must think we’re crazy. Love you.
This is so wonderfully creative. And the photographs are exquisite. Visiting from Lisa-Jo’s. Wonderful way to write a about HERE.Thanks for sharing your gifts with us. Today was simply delightful.
“Born for such a time as this” this is what comes to mind reading your post!
This is so sweet Sandy. I can think of no better way to find the best of the day than to practice having Him right here. Because, after all, He is.
Thank you for taking me on your journey with Jesus this morning. Your writing so intimate and heart felt.
Loved loved loved your pictures and your chat with the King. Beautiful!
Amazing pictures. Lovely flitting thoughts. My mind seems to work this way a lot lately.
Hi Sandra…First time here. Such a simple-worded post, yet you speak volumes. I’m reminded of “coming to Him with childlike faith”. I was there on your porch with you. How lovely! I’ll be back to read more.
This is my first visit to your blog but I will be back because your words and photos blessed me. Thank you.