“Uncrowd my heart, O God,
until silence speaks
in your still, small voice;
turn me from the hearing of words,
and the making of words,
and the confusion of much speaking,
to listening,
~Esther DeWaal
“Listen to the silence,
let it enfold you,
like a piece of music,
like bird-watching.”
~Esther DeWaal
In silence,
Welcome to Still Saturday where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and words. We’d love for you to join us. Get the details above, grab your favorite button, and link up below. We all like to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to gaze long and drink deep.
Those are wonderful quotes and such peaceful photos.
Such a beautiful and peaceful post, Sandy. Thank you! xox
Thanks, Pat. Love these quotes.
In the stillness… yes, there is peace and we can hear His voice. We really need to take the time to stay still and listen!
Thinking the more we take the time, the more we’ll find we need to take the time to do other things. Or at least be better directed. 🙂
Yes to those words, its my prayer to hear Him in the stillness, worth more than anything I can think of. You are so fabulous at getting bird photos, love this one. And I can’t get the linky to open for me, I will try again later.
Yay! And thanks. Looks like you got in.
Wow these words took my breath away. Thank you for inspiriting me this morning. I added your Still Saturday button to my blog too.
Thank you, Jean!
How often I have thought this…so many words in and out, in and out…but to just listen to the still small Voice. And I love it when there are birds singing in the background! I love this Still Saturday posting. It’s so simple and yet, profound. Thank you. I seem to have trouble with posting the button so it routes the click back here. Not sure what I am doing wrong, but will keep trying.
Have a blessed Saturday Sandy!
Thank you for being part of this pilgrimage, Kathy. I’m sorry you’re having trouble with the button. Did you get all the pieces when you copied the code?
“like birdwatching”–The birds in my yard are so noisy lately! Yet it is still-ing to listen to them jabber on.
My birds have a lot to say, too. I have to be quiet to hear them. I wonder what they’re saying…
You get the best bird shots. Very cool. As usual. 🙂 … Glad your blog is functioning again. Mine is, too. Do you suppose our two blogs drove off last night, all Thelma and Louise? At least they returned home to their Mamas. Did yours get grounded?
I’m letting her off the hook this time. Only because she ran away with yours. What trouble could she get into? I’m sure yours is a good influence. Except…do either of them have a license?
Love these quotes of Esther DeWaal’s and your photos! “Be still and know that I am God.” Our souls crave that stillness and yet too often we yammer on. It’s a beautiful morning here. I think I’m going to take my Bible, notebook and camera out on the deck to meditate in the stillness. Happy Saturday, Sandy.
I hope you had a restful day, Carol. It was a beauty here today.
“Uncrowd my heart, o God,”
I love that phrase; filing THAT away for prayers in the midst of life’s noise.
It’s a cool word, isn’t it Lisa? I’ve been thinking on it all day.
I love these quotes too Sandy. You’ve captured such a lovely sense of peace with the words and the picture. Breathing deep.
Breathing with you, friend.
Lovely and restful. Thank you, Ellen
🙂 🙂
Glad you’re back in blog land, Sandy – and I love your sweet bird!
It’s hard to stay away. I could probably use a longer social media-blog break. 🙂
I sure needed this today. Uncrowding…
I love that word. My heart, my head–so crowded.
Perfect, still and lovely Sandra. Thank you for hostessing the link up!
Gayle from Behind the Gate
I’m thrilled that it’s found a following and seems to touch our hunger for stillness. Thanks for linking up and walking in silence with us.
Oh, I love the thought of silence enfolding me. A comfort.
Sounds soft, right. 🙂
so luving this..
beautifully contemplative ~
Mmmm…too crowded, and silence can’t speak. Love the photo, too. It’s not crowded. 🙂
uncrowd my heart, God…..oh yes.
yes and thank you and you alone
do this so well,
LOVE so well my soul
to quiet and calm and soothe
like this:)
oh friend, i love every morsel
of this life-giving post.
big glad hug,
Gladly hugging right back, Jennifer. A calm, quiet one. 🙂
May we always be attuned to hear His still, small voice!
God bless,
Amen, Laurie. Thank you.