“I’m baptizing you here in the river,
turning your old life in for a kingdom life.
The real action comes next:
The main character in this drama
—compared to him I’m a mere stagehand—
will ignite the kingdom life within you,
a fire within you,
the Holy Spirit within you,
changing you from the inside out.
He’s going to clean house—make a clean sweep of your lives.
He’ll place everything true in its proper place before God;
everything false he’ll put out with the trash to be burned.”
~ Matthew 3:11-12 (Message)
Igniting Sunday with Deidra and Katie.

Monday, May 21
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. ~Matthew 5:3
Duane Scott at Scribing the Journey has begun a new community called Unwrapping His Promises. I’m linking this post to that promise this week because when we realize our poverty and our brokenness and melt into Him, He ignites that kingdom in us.
And you don’t want to miss Duane’s story.
I don’t know if there could be a better pairing of scripture and photo. Stunning. Where in the world did you get those photos?
My husband burned a brush pile in the field last weekend. (My son “pruned” a couple trees while I was at the hospice house with mom. Murdered is a better word.)
The fire itself was not that dramatic. 😉
Your photos communicate this scripture with passion!
I’ve been reading this scripture over and over the last few days in the Message. There’s a lot of meat in it.
Made me think of the refiner’s fire.
These photos are wonderful, wonder it didn’t melt the camera! The heat waves are amazing… almost looks like water. Thank you Sandy.
I thought of that, too, Pat. The fire really wasn’t that big, and I wasn’t that close.
I miss you.
I can’t stop staring at these photos, Sandy! They’re remarkable, and the perfect pairing with the verses you’ve chosen. He will ignite the kingdom life within us… the Holy Spirit. Yes!
I was surprised at the effect, Carol. I want Him to sweep my life daily and burn everything false.
Oh, my, Sandy. You just put this together in an amazing way. Gorgeous and inspiring.
Thanks, CaryJo!
Whoa! HOw’d you do that?!?!? Incredible!
Ummm…no clue. I tried using the sports mode on the big girl camera.
Wow! Just wow!
It is amazing…
What He did, what He does, what He will do–amazing. Yes.
Those are amazing photos! And so appropriate with the verse as we approach Pentecost.
Wow, Megan. I hadn’t even thought about Pentecost. Thank you!
Wow! Snady-girl, those are awesome images! Especially with the Scripture. Well done! Btw, what is the sports mode? I’ve never heard of that one. You are too awesome! <3
It’s a camera setting with a little running figure that automatically changes the settings to catch action shots. Here’s an explanation.
Love this, I thought of burning up all of that old brush within my soul.
Love that thought, Gayle.
Love it! The photos look like impressionist paintings, and what a perfect verse to accompany them. Beautiful.
Impressionist paintings? Cool. Thanks, Jeanne!
Amazing! The photos and the verses. It looks like the fire is under glass – just beautiful!
I’m not sure I like the idea of cleaning out my house. I have that drawer, and closet and under the bed and all my safe hiding spots. Really? The whole house?
These are the coolest pictures ever! Love them!