Make the Master proud of you by being good citizens.
Respect the authorities, whatever their level;
they are God’s emissaries for keeping order.
It is God’s will that by doing good,
you might cure the ignorance of the fools who think you’re a danger to society.
Exercise your freedom by serving God, not by breaking the rules.
Treat everyone you meet with dignity.
Love your spiritual family.
Revere God.
Respect the government.
~1 Peter 2:13-17 (Message)
Photo is of the 1885 Eaton County Courthouse
in Charlotte, Michigan.

Oh my, feel like a need to sign on the dotted line on this one. Love that we excercise freedom when we serve Christ. Happy Sunday Sandy.
Funny how I always knee-jerk about the “respecting authorities whatever their level.” It’s one of my most difficult spiritual goals/walks. God blesses and encourages and prods me a bit.. for which I’m a very grateful woman! Thank you. [Now He used YOU to prod me.]
Treat everyone you meet with dignity…wow that is a challenge… good verse to think about. thank you.
Those last 4 lines succinctly sum up how I am called to live as a believer. Daniel modeled this well in the OT.
This is such a great reminder. I loved your picture. You really captured the beauty and strength of the building.
Nice old building…where is it may I ask?
It is true. We don’t find freedom in breaking the rules, but in following them and respecting others, especially those in authority. It is tough sometimes, but the things with the greatest value attached are the hardest to accomplish. Great post, Sandy.
Good verse for tax weekend…good reminder.
An excellent reminder of something that can be very difficult today. As Lyli said, Daniel modeled such strength in doing this.
Great word and pretty picture too.
This is a fabulous piece of scripture…and great advice in general!