If Spring came but once in a century, instead of once a year,
or burst forth with the sound of an earthquake,
and not in silence,
what wonder and expectation there would be in all hearts
to behold the miraculous change!
But now the silent succession suggests nothing but necessity.
To most men only the cessation of the miracle would be miraculous
and the perpetual exercise of God’s power seems
less wonderful
than its withdrawal would be.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Let’s not take His miracles for granted.
Now it’s your turn.
Where has your heart beheld His exercise of power with wonder and expectation?
Get the details at the Still Saturday tab above.
Grab a button and link up.
Amen!!!! I’m headed outside to wonder at them all right now!
Beautiful photos, Sandra…have a super Saturday, sweet friend.
It’s turned cold again here…but we’ve made it through yet another drama, so I’m thanking God for miracles! 🙂
Beautiful images, Sandy. Who doesn’t love Spring. So glad it rolls around EVERY year. Once in a lifetime would never be enough.
Agreed! And if we could teach ourselves to find spring in every day… 🙂
I have to say, I do appreciate the miracle of spring every year — and this year it’s so early!!
I have no problems with early. 🙂
Beautiful as always, Sandy. I’m in Kansas this weekend with a friend, and the drive down through progressive greening and blooming through Nebraska was unspeakable.
Praying for your latest, um, misadventure? Love you, my friend.
I’ve come north, so some of the greening progressively diminished as I traveled, and there’s still a little snow on the ski hills. I hope I’m not here long enough to see the bloom bursts all again–though that would make a longer stay bearable. :}
I have a crabapple, we used to call the PROM tree, because we always used to take prom pictures beside it … IN MAY!
It’s almost done for the year already!
Have a blessed Holy Week
I love that–the prom tree. Definitely an early spring. I noticed our plum was in bloom–and then it wasn’t. Strange year. Thanks so much for linking up today, Julee. Joy to you.
Sandy, that Longfellow quote, those pictures…ohhhh….perfect! Such stillness for a Saturday morning. Such breadth and depth to simply, silently savor.
I had to read it several times. How often do we not notice until it’s not there to notice?
Beauty. 🙂
Since last year’s drought robbed us of a spring, I am especially appreciating it this year. The drought isn’t over, the aquifers are still low, but we have bluebonnets and paintbrushes and prairie verbena everywhere.
Are those Indian paintbrushes? We used to find those in the woods all the time. I think that I would like to experience a Texas spring. Praying for soft, soaking rains.
Love these photo and the smell of springtime!
I can’t wait for the fragrance of lilacs!
I spent todaywith fences. 80 and sunny. Loved it
I need to get myself out in the sun more and fill up my Vitamin D well. I wonder where the sun went…
I loved the poem you picked for your pictures. How true! We need to be careful not to take God’s beautiful creation for granted.
Amen, Shari!
Awaiting that beauty here … so glad you shared yours.
There can be beauty in the waiting, sometimes. 🙂
I have no weekend posts to link to yours this week, Sandy, so sharing yours is even more meaningful than usual to me.
As we enter Holy Week I am very aware of God’s awe-inspiring miracles, especially the love he has for me — the love that brings us to this special time — it’s beyond my comprehension.
Blessings to you. I’m upholding you in prayer as you cope with the current family situation.
A hard thing to grasp sometimes. Praying that the blanket that fell on you this morning will soon give way to even more beautiful and colorful new life. xoxo
Only the cessation would be considered a miracle. I just gotta quit being like that.
That Longfellow is quite a guy, huh?
Me, too. I gotta quit, too.