I don’t remember now when I first started to pay attention.
When I first picked up the baby camera and started to see through a new lens.
Took those first steps.
When I started to look for details or to see in a new light.
My husband, ever patient, waits as I trail behind on a trail, zooming in on weeds, tempting bees, chasing butterflies. Walks take us much longer, and I get less exercise.
I no longer like to ride bikes much. Too much getting on and off.
The car brakes more often.
I can lose myself taking pictures of nothing.
I get such a rush of joy sometimes when I download a photo and see something I didn’t see.
When I’ve captured a seed hanging from a bird’s beak or the expression on its face.
When I’ve caught a butterfly’s tongue or the tilt of a dragonfly’s head.
When the light slants just so or a flower center pops.
Delicious delight.
And my heart just wants to explode from my chest.
Because I see Him.
The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention. ~Julia Cameron
Spending five minutes on delight with Lisa Jo and company.
Well said, I too, am learning that delightful discovery of a simple photo and finding the words, the just right words. This word, delight, was tough for me – I kept reverting to lists, a problem I wrestle with when I write. How to turn the ever present lists in my head into intelligible communication. Fun to do though – delightful!
The delight found in seeing beyond the deep … what you hadn’t previously seen. Love it and agree. I was just recently mesmerized by a yellow and black striped worm that I found on a picture of a flower. It is delightful! 🙂
I’m glad I met you today Sandy, I like the way you write!
Oh.My. That picture! Thanks for your kind words at my place tonight, friend. I’m back earlier than I thought from the retreat’s first gathering and checking a few friends’ places. This is alway such a comfy, thoughtful, paying-attention, deep-seeing place to be. Thank you.
Lovely, Sandra. We are kindred-spirits, I think, you and I.
That sense of never getting to where you were going because *here* has stopped you? Yes, I know that one. And wanting to sit or stand, silent and still, for many lost moments, hoping that bird or butterfly will return and hover close enough for an even better shot. I thank Him regularly for the technology of my camera and the joy it brings me, even when I can’t always do it justice.
This shot is exquisite, as so many of yours are. Thank you for giving us a glimpse of the beauty you discover through your camera’s lens.
I love this photo. You’ve got an amazing eye! I have been yearning to become more involved in photography. There is something about capturing a moment that is so mystifying. Right now all I have is my iphone4 for taking photos. One of these days I’m going to spring for a decent camera.
Anyway, I just wanted to take the time to admire your photo.