Just think—you don’t need a thing, you’ve got it all!
All God’s gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly
for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the Finale.
And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady
and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus.
God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure,
shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus.
He will never give up on you.
Never forget that.
~1 Corinthians 1:7-9 (Message)

Such an encouraging post. God’s love for us is amazing. Love the picture. Almost feel like I can reach out and touch the bird.
Aren’t they the softest and the sweetest? Such a strange name, right. I looked it up.
“The word titmouse descends from the Old English terms, tit (any small animal or object) and mase (small bird), essentially meaning one small, small bird.”
That verse in the Message is great! Your photo is great too!
He cares and provides for the birds–and us, too. 🙂
What a beautiful bird!
I love these little guys. So is it titmouses or titmice?
Thanks for this scripture! EXPECT is my one word for the year, so I especially appreciate these words!
What a great word! Expect–with hope!
It truly is good news, isn’t it?!
The greatest! 🙂
“keep me steady and on track…”love that, thank you for that reminder this morning, and that the Lord will do it, not my herculean efforts. Just trust, like the little bird.
You’re welcome, Maureen, and amen! He’s provided the perfect feet to keep that little bird firm on the upward bend–but it could cling on the downside, too. Reminds me a little about our rollercoaster lives. He keeps us steady in both the ups and downs, yes?
Gorgeous photo composition paired with the perfect words. My verse today was similar, from Isaiah.
Fun new blog, Cheryl. And like I said, the word “compassion” keeps popping up for me the last couple days. Must mean something.
😀 😀
Yep, he’ll never give up on you.
Think there will be deep sea diving in heaven?
I’m counting on it! 🙂
Really needed this reminder today. So thankful He never gives up on me.
I need to remember that, too. Which reminds me to never give up on others.
Love this: all God’s gifts are right in front of you — reminds me of Ann Voskamp’s 1,000 Gifts.
Love the Tufted Titmouse — what a cutie he is. We get them in our backyard, too.
Much cuter than the other kind of mice!
And 1000 is only a drop of what He pours out, right?
I have been thinking about these exact words you write here for a couple weeks now, “God has given you everything you need…” He is speaking to me in so many ways. What a wonderful confirmation as I go about my work today!
Thanks, Sandra.
Love how He does that–when we’re attentive. 🙂 So glad to be on this adventure with you, Brad.
There is so much in the Message version of these three verses!
Lifting a prayer right now for you and your day.
Lovely encouragement. Even though that is not a sparrow, cannot help but think of, “His eye is on the sparrow…” which I so love. Lovely capture of the titmouse. That name makes me laugh even after reading how it came about. Hmm, think I am just overflowing with Him this morning. When taking out trash for pickup today, saw the first stirring of the pink sky of a new day in the distance. How Great Thou Art! Blessings.
Head-smack moment! I thought about the sparrow, too. After I read and re-read this verse. After I posted it. I have lots of sparrows at the feeders. I could have snapped one of them. Easy. But I love this little guy.
I love that we can see the pink of Him even in the midst of our trash–if we have eyes to see.
Thanks for dropping by, Lynn.